Ella's Bestie

On her way to the airport, Ella placed a call to her Springchad childhood friend, Abigail and informed her that she would be visiting in a few hours.

Based on some information she gathered, she discovered that Abby had been in contact with Richard ever since his shameful return to Springchad. Hence, she planned on seeing Richard with Abby's help.

When Ella finally arrived at the airport, she boarded her private jet alongside her extremely alert security details and it departed for Springchad.

In a space of three hours, Ella and her entourage finally arrived at Springchad local airport where an overexcited Abigail was patiently waiting.

At first, Abigail didn't recognize the heavily guarded pregnant lady who was smiling while walking towards her. She had no idea that Ella commanded such intimidating power and she didn't know that Ella was pregnant.