Riley Encounter With Albert

Albert Robinson arrived at the hospital where Luke was admitted with his usual entourage of bodyguards. He briefly introduced himself at the reception desk and asked for directions to Luke's private ward. 

"His ward is on the left wing of the third floor, precisely in room 205." The reception nurse replied politely, even though she was slightly terrified by the supposed father of their patient. Although the middle-aged man was in dark shades, his fierce and treacherous expression was potent enough to touch a building. 

"Hmm!" Albert left the desk and took the elevator to the third floor. 

When he got to Luke's ward, he pushed the door open and stepped into the room. He slowly took off his shades and glared at his wife and the strange girl standing beside her.

"Who is responsible for this?" Albert asked in a low chilly tone as he approached his son's bed and saw his condition.