Sweet Tooth

Luke felt like he was going to blow up with suppressed anger as Riley slowly rose up and pecked him on the cheek after spewing her trash. He wanted to grab her by the neck and asphyxiate her to death as he drew her lips closer to his right ear and whispered in a sultry tone.

"I will see you tomorrow, boyfriend, alongside your mum to take you home. Until then, be a good boy and don't go chasing after the female nurses." Riley clicked her tongue loudly and irritably before stepping away from the infuriated Luke.

Luke found it difficult to reply to her or even vent out his anger on her due to her gruff brother's dangerous glare. 

Even though he was a few feet away, Luke felt as though he was standing right before him and breathing fire on him.

As Riley stepped out of the ward, Zack stayed behind to give Luke a final warning.