Luke's Event Planning

Albert was relaxing on the luxurious leather sofa in his sitting room, drinking a glass of whisky and reading the papers when his wife, son and his son's girlfriend stepped into the room.

Albert raised his face from the papers and stared icily in Luke's direction before turning to his wife.

"You shouldn't have stressed yourself going to pick him up from the hospital."

"I'm sorry honey. I did it because of Riley." Anna walked up to her husband, crouched down and planted a brief kiss on his lips before taking her seat beside him.

"Good day, sir," Riley plastered a smile on her face while standing beside Luke. "I'm sorry I made your wife join me in picking up Luke."

"You don't have to be sorry Riley," Albert said in a pleasant tone. "You are now a friend to this family and you are welcomed anytime to call on me or my wife."

"Thank you very much, Sir," Riley faked a thrilled expression.