Riley's Revelation 2

Riley sneered through her tears at her mother's puzzled expression.

"That..." Riley pointed at the pictures littering the floor. "...mother, is what I looked like when I was first rescued. It took Leon and his team several days to bring me out of the shadows. They nurtured and took care of me till I was fit to reenter civilization. Leon gave me back my life, a name, a home and a choice. He and his wife are the reason why I'm still alive today and I owe them everything."

Anna squatted and picked up all the pictures scattered on the floor with trembling hands. She stared at the horrible looking lady in the pictures.

"This can't be you..." Anna cried harder. She stood up and took the pictures to her husband. 

"Look at what you did to my baby, Albert..." Anna showed him all the pictures one by one.