An Emergency 2

A few moments later, Ella was wheeled into the hospital emergency department, where a team of doctors were waiting to take her in.

When Leon tried to go with them into the emergency room, a male doctor stopped him saying,

"Mr Leon, I'll have to ask you to stay back at this point. Allow us to attend to your wife. You can have a seat at the emergency waiting room and the nurse or doctor will come get you soon."

"O....okay." Leon craned his neck to look at his wife as the door to the room was slowly closed by a nurse. 

"Oh God, please, let nothing happen to my wife and babies." Leon felt some warm tears stream down his face as he paced up and down in front of the emergency room ignoring the pairs of eyes gaping at him. 

A few moments later, the two mothers and Ivory were seen rushing into the hospital, an anxious look plastered on their faces.