Raiding The Warehouse

Jun Tianyun was someone who understood the power of clickbait very much. 

The human brain is a strange thing. Sometimes, it knows that doing a certain thing might be futile or dangerous. But it still compels someone to do it anyway.

" Alright, We are in. Hmm, Since he is using his phone now, let's check his PC first. Hmm, it seems there are two PCs connected to his id. This one looks like his office computer. I doubt there is anything here."

" Hmm, This one is interesting. A double layered firewall with an anti phishing system? His home PC is protected well." Jun Tianyun commented.

" Does that mean you can't do it?" Cai Ningxue asked hurriedly.

" Hmph, Who do you think I am? There is nothing impossible for me!" 

Jun Tianyun scowled as his fingers became a blur. He quickly typed something as chains and chains of codes were written in an instant. 

Cai Ningxue was surprised when she saw the efficiency of Jun Tianyun. He worked like a real pro.