Spending Fortune Points

" I see, It seems I again absorbed the Yin energy from Lin Ruoxi, increasing the Yin portion of the flower." Jun Tianyun rubbed his chin as he thought.

The second chapter of the Divine Art of Chaotic Flower is called the Accumulation of Petals. One needs to absorb the various elemental energy and feed it to their respective elemental part of the flower.

For example, In Jun Tianyun's flower, the most prominent color is black color representing the Yin energy. The second prominent color is pale bluish color, Representing the Water petal.

" No, I can't just absorb the Yin energy mindlessly. The elements must remain in harmony, the petals in the flower." Jun Tianyun chuckled. " But, Now I think I can use Darkness Magic to another level."

Lin Ruoxi opened her eyes as it was filled with surprise. " This! I can feel the Internal Energy! This is absurd!"

Jun Tianyun chuckled when he heard that, " Why do you think so?"