Young President Jun Tianyun

The board members trembled when they heard Jun Tianyun's polite and sweet voice.

One of them stood up as he looked at Jun Tianyun. " I already did it as you said… My son… Is he ok?"

Jun Tianyun gestured for him to sit down and pointed at his phone. Suddenly, that man's phone rang and he picked it up.

" Yes? He is back? Thank god!"

Everyone's expression changed as most of them sighed in relief.

" En, My documents…"

" The case file…"

Jun Tianyun grinned when he heard them.

" Well, First of all, I would like to apologize to all of you for using such an underhand method. However, since time was short, I had to do it."

The previous day, Jun Tianyun first asked all about the files of the board members. With that, Jun Tianyun sat on the Throne of Fate and calculated the past of all of the board members.

Since they have been enjoying wealth and prosperity for years, there is no way that they or their family isn't involved in any kind of scandal.