Acquiring A Base

The vehicle crashed into the base gate as it exploded. Suddenly, many members rushed out to see the scene.

" Fuck, What happened?"

" Who is making a ruckus?"

A dozen of soldiers came, holding pistols and other cold weapons. However, before they could do anything, they suddenly felt the ground beneath them slipping.

It was a gentle quake, but it was enough to disbalance them.

" Fuck! Is that an earthquake?!"

" What the hell is happe-"

" Giant Fireball!"

Suddenly, they saw a man jumping high as a giant fireball appeared above him. The fireball left a trail of flames as it fell toward them.

" Exploding Flames!"

The fireball fell on them as it exploded, turning the small area into a sea of flames.



The area filled with the agonizing screams of them as they were charred to death.

Jun Tianyun and Su Qingyao always have been improving their magic spells in God's Space.