Black Sand City got Attacked

Jun Tianyun was talking with Roger when a person came running by.

" Boss! Bad news!"

Roger raised his eyebrows. " What happened?"

" Boss! The Black Army has been ambushed at the Sky City Center. It looks like the remnant of Ninth Base attacked them!"

" Fuck!"

Roger stood up as he cursed out loud. Jun Tianyun was surprised when he saw the reaction.

" What happened? Can you explain me?"

Roger sighed as he nodded. " The Black Army is the army of Black Sand City. It consists of all the powerful mercenaries and men from all organizations here including mine."

" The Sky City Center was a large metropolis nearby. During the war, there used to be a big military base. However, in the last ten years, it became the den of powerful mutant zombies and monsters.

" Not to mention, there is a Six Armed Demon Zombie along with Blood Eye Flying Python there. They can obliterate a squad by themselves."