Jiang Shu's Plan

" Welcome, Mister Jiang. We have been waiting for your arrival."

Jiang Shu adjusted his goggles as he stepped into the company.

" The drive you have given to us, we successfully extracted the game and put it in our server." The Manager of Sunrise Software gave a polite bow.

" Very good, Then lauch the game." Jiang Shu nodded.

" Game of such calliber with a compact size, it will be popular in few days." He added.

The Manager looked at Jiang Shu as he sighed. ' If it was a week ago, then it would have worked. However, I don't think the size of games matters now."

" Why?"

" Have you not heard Super Cloud?" The manager asked. " They can store game in the cloud and play it without downloading at all. So, the users don't care about the space anymore."

" But the thing is, The Super Cloud is currently limited in our country. But it if it goes global, I am afraid it will be like a storm."