
A month ago, when Heaven's Sanctuary City found the Irium mine, Jun Tianyun had already handed some blueprints of bombs to Qin Hao. And thanks to Qin Hao and his other capable workers and researchers, they managed to make it.

Also, the weapon manufacturing factory in Zenith Town also helped them a lot in producing various weapons of mass destruction. With those weapons, wiping out a small town would be pretty easy.

Jiang Shu's expression turned ugly when he saw the footage. He thought such an army of undying beings would be able to easily contend against the army of Heaven's Sanctuary City.

But a round of bombings already wiped them out.

" What the hell our weapons are doing?!" Jiang Shu looked at his commander and roared. " Shoot down those damn airships!"

" But Lord Jiang, Our radars couldn't detect those jets at all!" The commander stuttered as he answered. " It's showing that the sky is completely clear."

" Fucking useless!"