Back In Emerald Sky Forest

Evangeline was simply fascinated with the lifestyle of Southern Island Nation. 

When they first came here, there was a language barrier. Yet, they just added Shi Zhen into their translation device who could translate everything to them with zero error.

The food, the clothing, the lifestyle, everything was like a paradise compared to Planet Gaia.

And all of that is possible due to Jun Tianyun, who brought them here from that hellish place.

Not only Evangeline but all the workers and others who came here from Planet Gaia thought the same.

However, Evangeline couldn't help but feel a little jealous of her sister Ashley and Qin Shiyu, who don't stop bragging about how good Jun Tianyun's cock was like. Aster was also who would join that conversation.

Evangeline felt a bit of loss when she realized she only saw Jun Tianyuun naked but never felt the touch of his body.