No Demons In My Daughter's World

Ren's body shivered as she heard a familiar yet distant voice. Turning around she saw Asuka standing with several talismans in her hand.

However, Ren's focus was on another the person, the handsome man standing beside Ren with a nostalgic arrogant smile on his face.

" This…It's…It's you…" 

Ren clenched the hem of her robes as she lowered her gaze. Her body quivered with a strange mix of emotions, filled with shock, anxiety, fear, and happiness.

" Damn it! Where did these pests come from?" The leader of the Thousand Demon Cult snorted, signaling his henchmen to attack Jun Tianyun and Asuka.

" Damn it, there are so many of them!" Asuka clenched her talismans, ready to use them at any moment.

However, she felt Jun Tianyun snatching the sword from her hand as he walked forward.

" Well, Well… Grand Sky Sword Art is impressive. However, it's not meant for brutal killing." Jun Tianyun smiled lightly.