Meeting Ichika Again

" Miss! Just one question! Is it true that you are dating Mr. Takeno?"

" No, And I hope you don't spread such a rumor."

" What's about your next album? When it's going to be released?"

" After two weeks. I hope you would wait till then."

" Then about Mr. Michiro…."

" I have nothing against Director Michiro. However, if he dares to pester me, I will naturally retaliate."

A young woman adjusted her sunglasses as she hurriedly got into the car. Her bodyguards pushed aside the media while teh car slowly started to move.

" Well, That Michiro is really a bastard." The assistant of the girl grumbled.

" However, he is really powerful this time. There are many people who owe Director Michiro a favor. How are you going to fight such an influential person?"

" Do, I need to?" The girl snorted when she heard the question. " If I won't feel uncomfortable, I will simply quit the agency."