Chapter 11

Chapter 11

Spencer Crane flipped the phone shut and placed it back in the pocket of his cargo pants. A few minutes later Darley came in.

"Coordinates received," Darley confirmed and Spencer nodded.

"New York City huh?" Darley said as they got into their truck Spencer was driving to their warehouse where the team would be waiting.

They pulled up at the curb of the two story building. Crane killed the engine and they both exited the vehicle and entered the building through the steel door. On the other side the team was waiting. Their team consisted of twelve people, Crane, Darley, Harvey, Lucas, Leon, Nicholaus, Claus, Louis, Derek, Andre, Gus and Drizzle.

They all stood around a steel table that held artillery of all kinds M16A2 assault rifles, KA-BAR knives, side arms, grenades, Kevlar bulletproof vests, spare ammo magazines and even a grenade launcher-just in case.

They were going to deliver the drop on Harriet, her team and even the dumbass who got himself involved by holding them under his wing, well Crane would make sure he broke that wing completely.

"Alright gang," Crane begun. "Our superior has given us the coordinates for our essential seek and retrieve mission. Our objective is to recover a briefcase." Crane produced a photograph of the so called briefcase. Everyone took in the image.

"Alright has anyone taken a good look at the photo?" Crane asked and they all nodded and hummed in unison.

"Ok so we'll have to be as quick as possible the neighbors could and will hear gunfire and will call 911 the first chance they get so it's best for all of us if we avoid them as much as possible," Crane stated.

"With that in mind. Let's try not to die okay?" Darley said and they all laughed at the impossibility of that happening.

Drizzle, Gus and Andre had infiltrated the front door while Harvey Louis and Derek were out back.

Crane was frequently checking in with them when Derek suddenly went quiet, Claus had gone in through the back to check in him but he too went silent and a couple of seconds later gunshots were firing like crazy when Drizzle, Gus and Harvey went quiet as well.

Shit, Crane thought, this can't be good.

He was seated in the front of the armoured truck with Darley at his side.

"Something's wrong. I'm going in," Crane had said and was about to get out but Darley offered to go in instead. Crane had tried to stop him but Darley insisted so he let him go. Darley kept his head low in the dark as he went towards the front door. The sun had just set and darkness was taking over for the day. The moment Darley had gone in he heard gunfire and that was enough to get him moving out of the truck. He begun to race towards the house but was forced back by a big man who was firing in his direction, the assault rifle Crane was carrying made it clear to the man that he was a threat without question.

Crane found cover behind the hood of the armoured truck. The volley of bullets that were meant for him were luckily deflected by the truck. The bullets stopped after a while and was able to bring his head up and he looked around the sound of glass shattering caught his attention and two men stumbled onto the front porch. He could make out one of the figures as Darley. Darley and the other man were lying on the floor but the other man struck Darley in the throat and was on top of him.

Something was shoved down Darley's throat, Crane couldn't make out what it was but he could tell it was choking him.


Crane was about to hurdle to Darley's assistance but it seemed that Darley had stopped moving and the man got off him reached over the window and pulled out Darley' rifle before racing towards a car that had it's headlights on.

In rage Crane fired at the man but he managed to slip away into the front passenger seat as the car sped off.

"Targets on the move. Get to the trucks if you can still move," Crane spoke through the radio. He took along look at the lifeless body of his dearest comrade who laid on the porch before turning and entering his truck, seemed another truck driven be Leon and Nicholaus was already in pursuit.

Crane started the engine just as Lucas set himself on Darley's seat.

"Really sorry about Darley man," Lucas said

"Yeah me too."

Crane drove off just as the police sirens were heard approaching from a distance.