Chapter 9

Chapter 9

Will had considered looking into Jake Harper's file. The agent who had made the assumption had a good point Harriet was bound was seek refuge with Jake Harper but just to be sure Will had sent the agent to try and trace all of their smartphones just to be sure. Will Frankfurt had prepared himself for seven years, planning and plotting different ways to get a hold on the launch codes for the nukes in Turkey for his superiors and he was not about to fail. No he had worked too damn hard for him to let that happen.

The agent who Will had come to know as Maxwell Blade came into his office and said " I think we might have gotten their location."

Will sharply got to his feet almost knocking over his chair in the process as he followed the agent to the surveillance room. His blood was rushing as he peered at the computer screen showing the pin point location of Harriet's smartphone which she apparently still held on to. Unfortunate for her but very fortunate for him.

The satellite feed showed some neighborhood in New York where lucky enough Jake Harper seemed to leave. Will smiled at how easy his problem had sorted itself out that he patted Maxwell's shoulder.

"Tell the strike force to be prepared to strike tomorrow before dawn," Will said and turned on his heel while the agent just nodded with enthusiasm.

Will walked out of the room and made a sharp right out of the buildings main doors and into the late afternoon sun. He dug his hand into his pocket and retrieved his cell. He hit the dial button and placed it to his ear. The line was picked up after the third ring.

"I'm sending you the location. You must strike tonight," Will said in his exotic French tongue and then he hang up.