Chapter 20

Chapter 20

I looked myself in the mirror of Nelson's bathroom. I had taken a five minute hot shower and I was currently inspecting my shoulder wound. It was still sour but thanks to Amy's handiwork it was closed up by stitches. I reached for a bottle of spirit and wiped on it using a cotton ball. I didn't want it to be infected, especially when I had a crucial task at hand. I then wrapped a fresh bandage around it I combed my hair so that my haircut was more pronounced before sliding into a pair of black tux pants. I didn't mind checking on my leg wound because I had already taken care of it, the pain had managed to subside giving me the ability to walk without experiencing a large degree of agony, doesn't me it doesn't hurt either but at least I can walk without having to limb greatly.

I slid on a white shirt and tucked it in my trousers before buckling the black leather belt. I then fixed a matching black bow tie around my collar. I sheathed my feet in a pair of black socks before sliding them into a pair of black sneakers -I prefer sneakers to pointed shoe.

I got out of the bathroom looking as stylish as I ever could and made my way to the living room where Aubrey, Rick and Harriet were waiting for me.

Aubrey wasn't dressed for occasion because he was the man coordinating everything from here. Honestly I don't think he likes the field action on the other hand Rick was the designated driver who was dressed in a black tux similar to mine except he had a black hat, white gloves and he wore black decent shoes provided by Nelson. His arms were crossed and he wore an inpatient expression on his face.

Standing beside him was Harriet who wore a stunning red dress that ended slightly above her ankles. The dress had a slit along her right thigh where she probably had the Glock concealed in a holster. She had added a slight touch of make up on her face, dark eyeliner and red lipstick. If anyone would pay attention to her they'd be led to see a defenseless beauty pageant winner and boy would they be wrong.

Aubrey handed us small earbuds/earpieces for communication. He quickly put them on and carried out a comms check to make sure they were working perfectly because believe it or not some of the equipment could be faulty. I grabbed my SIG and hide it in the small of back underneath a jacket that I threw over it. It was invisible to prying eyes.

"Alright team. Go time ," Harriet said and I heard Dash reply through comms, "Copy that. Black widow"

He laughed and I laughed too taking that he was referring to Harriet as Black widow from the famous Avengers movies. I heard the clicking of her heels and she made for the door, Rick and I following in step behind her. We climbed into the Audi Q8 with Rick behind the wheel, me riding shotgun and Harriet in the back.

The Empire State building seemed more lively as the rich men and women of Manhattan pulled up at the curb and walked on the red carpet towards the building, making a show of their arrival.

"We all set?" Harriet asked

"Let's serve the nation people," Aubrey said through comms and I could hear him chewing on something.

"Aubrey really enjoys himself doesn't he?" I said

"More than you know," Rick said as he pulled up at the curb. There was a group of teenagers gathered around a radio across the street. When I opened the door I could hear their music playing I'd do anything to make you smile by Jack Harlow.

I slowly stepped out of the vehicle and made a show of looking around. My eyes were glued to a black SUV, I tried to make out the appearance of the driver but he quickly turned away as the SUV drove by. I reached for Harriet's door, pulled it open and held her hand as if helping one's mister carefully out of their car and avoid breaking the delicate expensive heels. I could hear cameras flashing as Harriet and I locked our elbows and climbed up the stairs. Rick drove off.

"Who could have imagined that I'd end up on a business magazine ey?" I whispered and Harriet just sighed as we were ushered through the door glass doors. We were engulfed in the warm coming from inside the building. I looked around in awe, the walls were painted with a shiny gold colour, the ground floor was spacious and the floor was covered with golden tiles. From the top ceiling hung three chandeliers that shone light below and in turn the light was reflecting off the walls and floor therefore giving the place a luminous golden glow like a Disneyland movie. Along the walls were potted plants with thick leaves that were equally spaced.

I could here the clinking of glasses as people made toasts in the distance. There was also a stage where a band consisting of a violinist, a pianist and a bass player, they were playing some soft music.

I noticed a young blonde eyeing Harriet up and down, appraisal written all over his face.

Time to have some fun, I thought and placed my hand on the small of Harriet's back. I saw a hint of jealousy in the young blonde's face and I laughed before taking my hand away. Harriet looked at me with a dazed expression.

"Relax I was just having some fun," I nodded towards the blonde who was now making his way towards us.

"Hello," the young man said in a well polished English accent.

"Hello," I replied and didn't bother forcing an accent out of me because I was pure American baby straight from the ghetto at that. The blonde looked at me curiously.

"I've never seen you around here before," he stated

"Well what can I say? I'm not one for making a show for the cameras," I replied coolly

"Ah," was all he said

"And besides I'm only here because my Firefly here forced me to go out," I said while poking Harriet's nose teasingly. She giggled but I could tell she was getting annoyed and that this would come back to bite me.

"Oh stop it babe you're embarrassing us," she playfully slapped me on the shoulder. To prying eyes we looked like a deeply affectionate couple.

"Oh yeah I didn't catch your name," I said

"Andrew Bailiwick," he said and secretly winked at Harriet. He must have done that many times before because if it wasn'tfor my keen observation skills, I would have missed it.

"Well Anthony Higgins here," I said and took Harriet's hand, "Now if you excuse us"

Harriet and I moved past him and I heard Dash laugh through comms.

"What in blazes was that?" he laughed

"Zip it!" Harriet and I said in unison right before I caught movement at the far end of the room. I only got a glimpse of the black coat before it disappeared through the fire escape door at the far end away from the three elevator doors.

My gut was telling me that whoever had gone through that door didn't want to be spotted and they were definitely not here for the party.

"Guys let's get on to business," I said and everyone hummed in agreement.