Chapter 30

Chapter 30

CRANE THAT BASTARD! Nelson had told me about Will's transmission and how Crane had hurt Harriet. At first I didn't think much about Spencer Crane, I just figured we'd cross hairs but it wouldn't have been personal until now. Here's something you should know about me. If there's one thing I loath the most in this world, it's someone who finds the pleasure in hurt women and children especially when they have no way to fight back. So by inflicting pain on Harriet while she was probably bound and with no way to fight back Crane just made it very personal. I had realized after my call with Nelson that the time was 3:30 am.

I called Vince Harold next, heard machines on his line encrypting the call, a robotic voice asked for a code which I said and after which Vince Harold aka CHIEF answered.

"Vince Harold speaking," he said

"We got a situation. Will is here and has Harriet hostage," I said and explained the whole thing.

"I've had someone keeping tabs on Will," Vince said, "he boarded a ship call the Fallen Angel. The vessel is docked on the South Street Seaport. I'm trying to get the p.d in the area to cooperate but it might take a while so you'll be on your own for a while," he explained.

"No worries there and thanks," I said

"Be safe kid," he said

"I'll try," I cut the call and handed Chuck his phone back.

"Know the fastest way to get to South Street Seaport?" I asked

"I think I might have a way but we need to get some clothes on you first," he said

"Yeah no shit Sherlock," I replied, "and my gun."

Fifteen minutes later I was walking out of the hospital's main entrance—against the nurse's advice of course—wearing a pair of jeans, a button down shirt and black shoes. Jay was waiting outside he was carrying my SIG together with a spare clip in a plastic seal up evidence bag. He stood in front of a police cruiser

"Why did you ask for…," he started to say, "what the hell?"

"Give him the bag Jay," Chuck ordered

"What in the world is going on Chuck?" he asked not even trying to hide his annoyance he walked towards us. Chuck took the bag and handed it to me while we walked past him.

"What's his deal?" I asked as I went around the cruiser and opened the shotgun door. Chuck had opened the driver's door.

"The Corvette you crashed on was his," Chuck said and settled behind the wheel.

"Oh," I said in understanding because if that was my car is be totally acting like Jay right now. "Sorry bout your ride man."

I got in and Chuck drove off leaving a very angry Jay screaming curses behind us.

"Was that necessary?" I asked

"Relax he'll get over it," Chuck drove downtown and turned to a small jetty where there was a coast guard speed boat with one man and woman who looked young working. We walked over, Chuck flashed his badge and said, "Manhattan P.D we need to commandeer this vessel."

The two looked at us with wide eyes but they quickly exited the vehicle. Chuck fired up the engine and the boat sped off across the waters. Everything was done with such quickness as was the necessity. I went through the supplies and found a diving suit, goggles, a flare gun, a pocket knife and binoculars with night vision sensors. My mind was working on a probable plan of execution. Going in guns blazing was not an option given my current physical condition plus I had no idea how many armed guys I was facing.

"We're approaching the docks," Chuck announced

"Stop the boat at a good scouting distance," I said, "we don't want to be spotted."

Chuck nodded in understanding. I placed my plastic covered gun in the waistband of my jeans before putting the knife in my pocket. Once that was done I took off my shoes and slipped my feet through that rubber-like plastic of the diving suit. It took me a full minute to cover myself properly, my leg was covered in plastic from my ankles all the way up past my waist, the suit covered my chest and back ending where my neck started. It also covered my arms to the wrist and ended where my wrist was leaving my hands free. Chuck slowed the boat, made a full turn and shut off the engine. The stern was now facing the Seaport with different boats docked including a big ship which instantly caught my attention. I viewed it using the binoculars and they automatically went to night vision mode. Sweet.

Judging by the rows of round windows I assumed it was a large vessel with an upper deck, a mid-deck and a lower deck. It had FALLEN ANGEL written in medieval gothic on the starboard. Peering closely I saw two guards stationed at the ships stern, three were at the bow of the ship with their guns trained on what I would assume would be Rick and the boys. I shook my head as I slipped on the rubber webbed shoes and goggles

"See anything you like?" Chuck asked

"Not one bit," I said and gave him the flare gun.

"What's this for?" he asked

"I need you to fire in the air ten seconds after I'm gone then you call for reinforcements," I said and wobbled to the edge of the boat's stern. "Remember ten seconds," I reminded before jumping into the water.

Even with the diving suit the cold of the water hit me hard that for a second or two I forgot how to move my limbs and I sank about a meter before I got a hold of myself and broke for the surface. I gasped in a large amount of air, stroked my arms and feet to propel myself forward. I used gentle strokes to reduce my noise.

A few strokes later, there was an orange glow in the sky. Chuck had done his part, hopefully it would have diistracted the guards who were aiming at Rick and the boys.

Bang! Bang!

I heard gunfire in the distance and my head went under water where I propelled my self forward with aggressive strokes. It felt like forever but I finally made it at the ship's stern. I slowly raised my head and looked where there were previously two guards. I was glad to see that for the time being there was only one and his back was turned in my direction. Seems like luck was one my side. I approached the edge of the ship's stern, the guard's feet directly above my head. I raised my arms slowly above the water, blood was beginning to rush in my ears and my vision narrowed adrenaline was coursing through my veins shoving the chilling feeling of the water away.

Summoning all my strength I wrapped my hands around his ankles and pulled back. He was caught off guard and fell belly first and even before he hit the ground I hauled myself onto the deck using my arms then swinging my legs over the edge. I rolled forward and hit the back of his head with the point of my elbow.

The man gave a short yelp before going silent. I quickly stripped out of the soaking wet diving suit. My clothes were still dry. I freed my gun from evidence bag and was glad to find it still dry, the last thing I wanted was a wet gun. I slipped the spare clip in my waistband.

I detected movement, the other guard had appeared above the cross section of the stern. He fired his rifle at me. I only had a moment to react.

I leapt over the passed out guard and was forcefully stopped by the side wall of the stern. I fired three return rounds as fast as I could pull the trigger. The guard fell over the railing of the cross section and laid still on the Stern's surface. I walked up the steps that led over the cross section and I found myself passing through the side of the ship. I found a door into the ship's control room. I did a quick sweep with my eyes. It was clear. At the back of the room was another entrance that led to the mid-deck. I made my way through a narrow passage and was cautious of my surroundings. I reached a metal door on my right. I yanked it open. It revealed a set of steps that led to the lower deck where there were mostly steam pipes and the like. I took a few steps past it. Instinct told me to turn. Just as I did I saw a shirtless man in beach shorts come at me knife bearing down first coming at my face. I ducked the knife passing directly over my head. I pointed my gun and fired a round in his gut.

The man stumbled backwards then I put a bullet between his eyes. He dropped on the floor landing on his back with two gashes, one in his gut and one between his eyes. I continued forward took a turn and locked gazes with a man who stood guard in front of a door. He fired at me. Feeling the bullet punch the air on the side of my neck. I spun and went to the other wall, firing a return shot as I did so. My bullet hit his knee. With a grunt he fired again and I had to launch myself forward. I fired two round while I was in the air and was surprised that my bullets found him dead center in the chest. He fell over and laid still. I stepped over and hauled his dead weight in front of me.

The wooden door slide aside and as soon as it did bullets came flying. The dead man dropped to the ground and I shot three decisive rounds at one of the guards who dropped dead.

The other one pointed his gun at Harriet, finger on the trigger.

"Move and she dies," the guard warned

"Is that so," I took a half step forward and the guy jerked his gun into Harriet's face to emphasize his threat.

"Don't toy with me asshole," he said

"Go ahead and shoot," I coaxed

"What?" Harriet said and glared daggers my way

"She's prepared to die motherfucker," I said coldly, "Are you?"

My question seemed to have unsettled him for a moment and I took the chance to put a round between his eyes. His eyes were wide with shock as he collapsed to the ground.

"Are you insane!" she said as I took the pocket knife and stepped behind her chair. I cut her bounds loose.

"You're welcome," I said in a singsong voice. I reached for my spare clip just as I ejected the one in the gun which was empty by now. I inserted the full clip and made sure it was in place. It was a maneuver which was carried out in seconds. I looked at Harriet as she pulled the latch on the HK she just liberated from one of the dead guards. Her eye was swollen and dry blood smeared the corners of her lips.

"I'm sorry for coming late," I said

"Don't worry about it we've been through worse remember," she said and managed to smile a little. I nodded and checked left and right of the corridor. It was clear I moved forward now was the time to have a none friendly chat with Spencer Crane who had just happened to stumble in my path at that exact moment.