Rebirth of the Slime King

(What should I do?)

Notice: No chance of escape, forced to fight.

Notice: HoarFrost Dragon, Title: Dragon Lord (Lvl 60)

Hp: 600,000

Mp: 240,000

Speed: 120

Defense: 3000

Magic Defense: 4500

Attack Dmg: 30,000

Magic Attack Dmg: 21,000

Notice: HoarFrost Dragon Lord has double stats compared to a regular HoarFrost Dragon.

The HoarFrost Dragon Lord is preparing to attack with an Ice blast similar to the smaller dragon that Seth killed.

(I can only take 1-2 more hits. More importantly, why did It appear right now? It is as if it just sensed me and automatically targeted me to kill.)

Notice: HoarFrost Dragon Lord likely appeared due to one of its kind/kids dying. Normally, there should be a requirement before a "Monster King/Lord" appears. The reason for it appearing right now is incalculable.

Notice: Dragon Lord charging is almost done, Prepare for taking the hit.

Notice: Dragon Domain is active. Dragon stats are boosted by 10%

(Activate defense enhancement lesser. Activate Summon Dark Shadow lesser, shield me! Activate Agility Boost Greater. Activate Auto-Battle. Please! Try your best to dodge!)

Notice: Auto-Battle is going to prioritize dodging for the survival of the user.

The Dragon Lord fired his Ice Blast which was twice stronger as the one he fought earlier. It was directly aimed at him as his dark shadow stood in front to take the first blow. Seth dodged but the Area of effect was bigger and so he got caught by the damage.)


Notice: Hp below 30%. Triad Spirit is activated. The Guardian shield is broken.

Notice: Dragon Lord activated Dragon Aura. - Dragon Lord attack dmg towards lower lvl beings increased by 20%

Notice: Dragon Lord activated Despair Aura EX (Max). - User speed dropped to 10.

Notice: Dragon Lord is channeling an Ice Storm. User hp is dropping fast.

(Is this the end? In games, you normally just fight one dragon. I was not prepared for this at all! Damn it!)

Seth was about to lose all hope until something happened. A light was glowing in his Sling Bag.

Notice: Slime King is done incubating. Slime King wants to be thrown outside the Bag.

Seth hurriedly opened the bag. He threw the Slime King's Goo that houses the Slime King inside. A beam of light appeared in front of him, as the Slime King's Goo attached itself in front of him.

Notice: Slime King's Goo has a rejuvenating effect: Heals the user by 10% of hp every 30 seconds.

Notice: Slime King Status is attached to the user's Character Menu. Slime King's title evolved to Slime Lord. Stats are doubled and has added stats based on the user's base stats. Slime King evolved into Slime Lord due to being affiliated with the Slime Monarch.

Slime King, Title: Slime Lord (lvl 55)

Hp: 350,000

Mp: 50,000

Speed: 75

Defense: 25,000

Magic Defense: 15,000

Attack: 10,000

Magic Attack: 20,000

"We can win!"

(I just realized that the Slime King has better defensive stats compared to the dragons. Even before when I first fought it, it was already in the double digits in its defense.)

Notice: Slimes have a very high innate defense due to them being highly moldable as well as having a gelatinous body that can regenerate its parts even if they are cut off. They also do not experience any pain when taking dmg.

Slime King used his Slime Goo Barrage.

Notice: Slime King activated Lord's Domain lesser. enemy dragon attack is lowered by 20%

Notice: Slime king activated Slime King's Aura. All defenses of the Dragon are lowered by 20%. Enemy Dragon's speed is lowered by 20. Slime Goo Domain is also active, and Dragon Lord's speed is lowered by an additional 25.

The Slime Goo Barrage, hit the Dragon as it stopped him from channeling the Ice Storm.

Notice: Slime King adapted to the environment. Slime King is not affected by any debuff from the environment.

The Dragon Lord Used Shadow Step to get closer to Seth to hit him with a Slamming attack. Slime King rushed towards Seth as it enlarged himself even more and encapsulated Seth inside his clear body. The Dragon Lord was forced to fire icicle spikes toward the Slime but it barely did anything as the ice attacks were also swallowed due to the Slime King having an ice affinity by adapting to the environment. Slime King brought Seth out as it went on the offensive. Slime King charged the Dragon Lord, encapsulating it inside. It shrank into a smaller form as if binding the Dragon Lord into submission.

Notice: Slime King wants you to hit it along with the bound Dragon Lord. Slime King has a very high defense so the Dragon Lord is expected to die quicker.

Seth was hesitant to do so since it was his first time having a pet slime. And the chances for his skill to do a critical in a lot of hits is high and it would surely kill the Slime King too if he repeatedly attacks it non-stop.

Notice: Slime King can only bind the target for another 20 seconds.

Notice: Slime King is an affiliated pet. Even if it dies, it can be brought back to life since its soul is linked to the user.

(Activate attack enhancement lesser. Summon Dark Shadow lesser. Activate Pure Desolate Greater. Un-sheathed sword. Apee Beeru, Undying Flames is activated.)

"You should've told me that sooner that I can revive my pet!"

Seth began stabbing and slashing the Slime King as it also hit the Dragon Lord that was bonded within it.


A total of 20+ attacks from both Seth and his dark shadow with a critical hit finally killed the HoarFrost Dragon Lord.

The HoarFrost Dragon Lord Perished as his ever-relieved face was all but unseen. The Slime King condensed itself into a small ball as it headbutted Seth into the ground. Seth picked it up and raised him in his hands.

"We won. We won! Hahahaha! WE WON!"


Title Upgrade: Dragon Killer to Dragon Conqueror

Dragon Conqueror (Kill a Dragon Lord or kill 100 regular dragons)

-Deal 20% more dmg towards dragons.

Special effect if the title holder has killed a Dragon Lord:

-Can Acquire Dragon Skills


Notice: Loot from the Dragon Lord includes some Passive skills.

Skill acquired: Physical null lesser is upgraded to Physical Null Greater. Physical Null Greater forced ascended to Dragon Soul- 50% less physical dmg, 75% less magical dmg. Increase resistance to any form of debuffs.

Skill acquired: Dragon Aura- Increase final dmg by 20% to lower-level enemies.

Notice: Not affected by the environment debuff any longer. Can equip Grass Bermuda Cloak.

Seth equipped back his Grass Bermuda Cloak.

Notice: Grass Bermuda Cloak Set bonus stats are applied.

"Dragon Soul? Did the Dragon Lord have this? Was it luck that I killed it before my Slime pet?."

Notice: The Dragon Lord only had Dragon Heart which only prevented 25% less physical and magical dmg and an increase in resistance. Physical Null Greater was an extra bonus skill loot. Due to having the Dragon Heart skill looted as well, both combined to create Dragon Soul.

Character Inventory:

-1x Dragon Essence

-1x Dragon Lord Essence

-1x Dragon Heart

-1x Dragon Lord Crystal Orb

-600x Frozen Scales

-1x Ice Hardened Tail

-1x Dragon Persona

"Dragon Persona?"

Notice: It can be equipped by the User or Pet to have a main dragon form.

Seth gave it to his pet slime. The Slime Lord automatically had a dragon form that was colored blue. It was no longer clear but he was still big.

"Did I make a mistake here?"

The Slime Lord made itself smaller, small enough to hitch a ride on his shoulder while still maintaining the Dragon Form.

"Oh, I forgot you can just compress yourself to be smaller."

Notice: Unique Skill: Auto-Battle can be ascended. The system requests to be ascended.

"Alright. Auto-Battle Ascend."

unique skill ascension+1:

required sacrifices= 1x dragon's heart(acquired) + 10,000x slime's killed(killed) +

Title of Perseverance(acquired) + Lvl 45(lvl met)

Notice: Sacrificing all required materials for ascension.

Notice: Auto-Battle Ascended into AUTO-BATTLE EX.


AUTO-BATTLE EX (lvl 1/20)

Activates the inner soul of the user to take control of the body and actions whenever

the user is in imminent danger or if willing.

Acts with optimal intelligence to eliminate the enemy or get away from the threat with the best possible actions based on past decisions.

(activation includes encountering higher-level enemies within a 100-meter radius).

This skill adds 31% bonus stats to all stats+1% bonus to all stats every lvl.

No more message prompt is required.

Passive skill: will continue to drain 1% Mp every minute when it is activated.

next ascension requirement for unique skill ascension+2:

required sacrifices= 1x holy relic(not acquired) + 10,000x demon dog's killed(not killed) +

Title of Monster Hunter(acquired) + Lvl 100(not met)

"I'm surprised I can see the next requirement for the next ascension. But the inner soul and optimal Intelligence? Can it finally dodge now?"

Notice: The system will choose the best possible action when in/out of combat based on the user's experience. A new experience in/out of combat will also be added to the memory so the system can act properly when attacking monsters and maximizing survivability.

"So in easier-to-understand terms? I'm going to dodge when I'm in Auto-Battle mode, right? Since this is a passive and I don't want to just have my Mp drained while also dropping my Hp."

Notice: To answer the User's plea, Yes. The User's Body will dodge if it is in danger while in/out of combat. Did that suffice your question?

"Why is it talking more consciously now?"

Notice: Because my intelligence is upgraded to respond and act in a more optimal manner.

"Ahhhhh... A slime pet and a very responsive head voice. I think I can beat anything in my path now... Just Kiddin... Ahahah."