CURRENT PROGRESS: -only updated every major character status boost.

SUMMARY OF STATS: - better explanation compared to chapter explanations.

Current Character Profile:

Race: Humanoid (Godkin)




Slime Monarch- Kill 10,000 slimes and/ or kill the Slime King which is equivalent to 5,000 regular slimes killed.

-50% more damage towards rogue slimes/ 75% less damage taken from slimes.

-Ruler of Slimes (Emits an aura that shows no hostility towards Slimes)

-Can raise a pet slime, specifically the Slime King.


Meadow Specialist- Gather 1000 leaves/berries and must be using plant-based equipment.

-Can make potions and create plant-based equipment sets.


Potion Maker- Make 200 potions.

-Potions are 10% more effective when used on the user.


Skill Collector- Learn five Skills from Skill Scrolls.

-Adds flat 20 Vitality and flat 20 Intelligence. Adds flat 50 attack damage and flat 50 magic attack damage


Dragon Conqueror- Kill 100 regular dragons or Kill a Dragon Lord.

-Deals 20% more damage to dragon species.

-Can acquire Dragon Skills (Special effect added only when the User has killed a Dragon Lord)


Demon Gate Punisher - Clear 4/9 Demon Gate Dungeons.

-Three times more experience when killing enemies inside the Demon Gate Dungeon.


Demon Regulator - Kill 250,000 Demon Spawns and/ or kill 4 Demon Generals.

-Deals 25% more damage to demon-type enemies.


Wisdom Companion and Godkin- Ascend in Race.

-25% less damage from pure/dark/piercing





LVL: 250/250, Skill Points: 55- 1 skill point is added every 2 levels.

Hp: 5,304,000+(350,000), Vitality: 5,000+(4,000+5,000+2,500+20+10,000)

Mp: 530,400+(150,000), Intelligence: 5,000+(4,000+5,000+2,500+20+10,000)

SPEED: 1,000 - (reached maximum stat for speed, cannot go further. - can be bypassed when using skills. Eg: Teleportation skills, Teleport Strike, Etc.)

Defense: 5,180+(6,734+10,000+10,360), Magical Defense: 2690+(3,497+10,000+5380)

Attack Dmg: 12,550+22,590+25,100+(100,000+50,000+50), response time speed: half a second

Magical Attack dmg: 5,030+9,054+10,060+(150,000+50,000+50), spell casting speed: 1 second

*Black Ice Series is in effect*

*Starlight Radiance is in effect*

*Dragon Lord's Necklace is in effect*

*Armlet of the Demon Monarch is in effect*

*Left Bracelet of the Demon Monarch is in effect*

*Right Bracelet of the Demon Monarch is in effect*

*Auto-Battle Bonus stats are in effect*




Character Equipment:- shows only equipped/ seen in his current character form.

Character Equipment Set Skin: Grass Bermuda Set with Black Ice Set Thin Overlay

Black Ice Series (3/3): (80% Bonus stats from base stats)

Black Ice Cloak (Thin Overlay) = (+100,000 flat Hp and +50,000 flat Mp)

Black Ice Clothes (Thin Overlay) = (+250,000 flat Hp and +100,000 flat Mp)

Sub Weapons (not shown on stats):

Black Ice Sword (Thin Overlay) with the reforged Slime King's Crystal Orb =

(+45,000 flat attack damage and +35,000 flat magic attack damage)

(+5,000 flat attack damage and +10,000 flat magic attack damage)

(+5,000 flat Hp and +10,000 flat Mp)

Black Ice Bow (Thin Overlay) = (+40,000 flat attack damage and +40,000 flat magic attack damage)

Main Weapon (shown on stats):

Starlight Radiance

-A sword made from pure light. A weapon that can pierce ethereal units.

Sword Effect:

Attacks have a 50% chance to deal piercing damage penetrating 50% of the enemy's defense.

Weapon Active Skill:

Slashes the enemy eight times in quick succession. Slashing speed is equivalent to the user's maximum speed. Each Slash deals 100% Magical Damage of the User.

Mp Cost: 10% of the user's maximum Mp.

(100,000 flat attack damage and 150,000 flat magical attack damage)


Dragon Lord Necklace:

+5,000 Vitality and +5,000 Intelligence

+50,000 flat attack damage and +50,000 flat magic attack damage

+10,000 defense and +10,000 magic defense

+50 speed

-1 second Spell Cast time


ELEMENTAL RING SET: *(3/5) set is in effect*

(3/5)- boost all the effects of the rings by 50%

(5/5)- boost all the effects of the rings by 100%

Frost Ring (Buffed by the Elemental Ring Set):

-Deals 75% of Magical Ice Damage when hitting an opponent and will put them into the Frostbitten state. The frostbitten state makes that part of the enemy freeze. This effect slows the enemy's speed by 23% every 30 seconds. Stacks up to 8 times. The duration of the frostbitten state per successful hit is 23 seconds.

Blaze Ring (Buffed by the Elemental Ring Set):

-Applies the Ignited State on the enemy when dealing damage to them. Ignited State makes the enemy take 7.5% Magical Fire Damage based on the User's magical damage per second. This stacks up to 8 times and each stack last around 45 seconds.

Luminosity Ring (Buffed by the Elemental Ring Set):

-Makes the user's attack able to hit Ethereal units. Attacks of the user have a chance to deal Piercing Damage that bypasses 38% of the enemy's defense and deals 38% Holy Damage based on the user's Magical Damage.



Demon Monarch Set (5/9)

Armlet of the Demon Monarch (5/9 Demon General's Crystal Orbs)-current:

-50% bonus stats from base stats

-10% Hp and Mp regen every 30 seconds

Max Item effect (once all 9/9 Demon General's Crystal Orbs are engraved in the Accessory):

-200% bonus stats from base stats

-25% Hp and Mp regen every 30 seconds


Left Bracelet of the Demon Monarch:

-Attack damage is increased by 50% from base stats.


Right Bracelet of the Demon Monarch:

-Magic Damage is increased by 50% from base stats.


Necklace of the Demon Monarch:

(Buffs the wearer's summoning skills)

-The number of units summoned is doubled.

-Stats of the summoned units is increased by 50% of the wearer's stats.

-Damage of Dark Elemental Summoned Units is increased by 100%.

Special Effect:

-If the wearer has the sub-skill, "Shadow Realm", double its capacity of stored units up to a maximum of 1000.


Demonic Ring of Resistance:

-Increase the resistance of the wearer and amplifies resistance-based skills and passives.




Skill points: 55

Active Skills:


Teleport Strike Max

-Instantly Teleports near a target's weak spot and strikes it using the current weapon equipped. Damage dealt during this state is a 10x of attack/magic attack.

Mp cost: 1000

Duration: 1

Mark Duration: 2

Cooldown: 3


Violent Conversion Max

-Deals damage proportional to Mp sacrificed when an attack hits, exploding the enemy with an overflow burst of your Mp. Up to 10% of the maximum Mp per hit can be used per attack when activated.

Mp cost: Up to 10% of the user's Max Mp as proportional magical damage.


Reality Eclipse Max

-Makes a slash attack that travels through the rift in space dealing damage equal to 5x physical damage and 5x Magical damage of the caster.

Attack Deley: 2.5 seconds (Guaranteed to hit)

Mp Cost: 2500

Cooldown: 5 seconds


Status Boost Greater Max

-Increases all stats by 40%.

Mp cost: 1000

Duration: 30

Cooldown: 30


Passive Skills:


Dragon's Body, Mind, and Soul EX

-75% less physical damage and magical damage.

(Along with the user's physical and magical defense, the user has reached the maximum and cannot go beyond 90%.)

-Completely nullifies Mental attacks toward the user.

-90(99)% Resistance to any form of Environmental debuff, and Status Debuff.

-90(99)% Chance to resist any form of Environmental debuff, and Status Debuff.

(Due to the user wearing the "Demonic Ring of Resistance", the resistance and chance percentage are increased to 99%.)


Dragon Aura Max

-Increase final dmg by 20% to lower-level enemies.


Precision Max- Sword Soul Keeper (50% weapon damage boost)

Each trait mastery increases weapon damage by 10%, 30%, and 50% respectively when equipped while having a 10% chance to hit the opponent with a 10x critical hit.

All weapon mastery traits can be acquired separately.


Focus EX Max

Outside combat- Increases the effect of passive regeneration of the User. hp and Mp regeneration will be 5 times stronger when out of combat.

In combat- increases the attack damage/magical damage of the user by +50% every 15 seconds that the user is in combat. The maximum increase in attack dmg/magical dmg is +100%. The damage increase is removed when the User is outside of combat.


The Triad Spirits Greater Max

-Automatically activates when the user is below 50% Hp. Summons 3 spirits around the user for 60 seconds.

Red Spirit:

-Quadruple the innate Hp and Mp Regeneration of the User for 60 seconds.

Blue Spirit:

-Gives a shield equivalent to 45% Hp of the user for 60 seconds. Can be forced to stack with other shields. 200% damage absorption from physical attacks and 150% damage absorption from magical attacks.

Yellow Spirit:

-Buffs the final dmg of the user by an added 25%.- final multiplier.


Apee Beeru, Undying Flames Greater Max

-Automatically infuses the weapon of the user with blue flames when used. Deals 75% of the user's magic attack dmg when hitting the opponent and debuffs the enemy with the "Undying Flames".

-"Undying Flames" cause the enemy to take 10% more dmg from any source of an attack. Can stack up to 5 times, and each stack last for 30 seconds.

-Drains 5% hp per 30 secs every time it is active.


Perfect Desolate (2/2) Max

-Activate to grant the user's weapon a magic infusion that deals 50% of the user's magic attack damage when hitting the opponent successfully. This damage is a separate instance of damage.

-This damage is pure and bypasses any magic defenses.

Mp Cost: 500 Mp for every successful hit on the opponent.


Controlled Levitation

-Allows the user to fly and control his movements in the air. Maximum speed is proportional to the speed-to-meter ratio of the user. (5 speed is to 1 meter).


Dark Shadow Army Max (Buffed by the Necklace of the Demon Monarch)

-Conjures a Dark Army made of Shadow to Fight for the User.

-200x Dark Shadow Greater(100% of the User's base stats).

-Each Dark Shadow Greater will permanently reside within the user's shadows.

-Each Dark Shadow Greater can be resummoned separately when killed.

-Cost for resummoning 1 Dark Shadow Greater: 1% of the User's Max Mp.

Sub-skill: Shadow Realm

-A domain within the user where dark beings are stored. Maximum beings stored are proportional to the User's level.

Current 200/500.


Warden of Life Max

-Gives the user a 50% chance to block a 25% of damage from any kind of damage source towards the user.

-Gives the user a shield that replenishes every 60 seconds. (Shield Hp is equivalent to 25% of the user's hp.)

-Protects the User from Lethal Hp base damage skills and lessens Critical damage taken by 50%.

-Regenerate 5% of Hp every 30 seconds.


Mirror Shade

-Allows the user to hide the user's level. Allows proportioning of the user's stats towards the individual who checks on the user's status page to match their stat line.

-Does not work on anybody that is 25 levels above the user.

-requires a skill to bypass the pretense.


Unique skill:



Activates the inner God soul that resided inside the user to take control of the body and actions whenever the user is in imminent danger or if willing. Acts with high wisdom to eliminate or get away from the threat. This skill adds 200% bonus stats to all stats based on base stats.

Passive skill: Doesn't drain any mana and is automatically activated once learned.

Unlocked Title: Wisdom Companion

-The god of wisdom favored you and gave you a blessing of wisdom.

Skills added along with the title:

GAIN SENSE lesser Max

-Have a complete sense of anything that is visible and where they are exactly located within a 1000-meter radius.

AURA SENSE lesser Max

-Have a complete sense for beings that have aura/hiding aura/invisibility within a 1000-meter radius.

-Can sense Bloodlust.

QUICK DELAY lesser Max

-User's reaction time/spell cast time is lessened to a fraction of a second when an imminent danger is about to strike.


Conscience Acceleration Lesser Max

-The user's thought process is heightened during the use of Flash Steps.

-Also activated when imminent danger is about to strike.



-Teleports to a distance that is equivalent to the speed of the user. Every 5-speed is 1 meter traveled. The maximum distance teleported is equivalent to the maximum speed-to-ratio that can be traveled.

Mp Cost: 1000

Greater Teleportation Max

-Teleports to a distance that is equivalent to 1 to 5 times the speed of the user. Every 5-speed is 1 meter traveled. The maximum distance teleported is equivalent to the maximum speed-to-ratio that can be traveled.

Mp Cost: 1% of the user's Mp minimum up to 5% of the user's Mp maximum per usage.

Greater Teleportation EX Max

-Teleports to a distance that is equivalent to 10 to 20 times the speed of the user. Every 5-speed is 1 meter traveled. The maximum distance teleported is equivalent to the maximum speed-to-ratio that can be traveled.

Mp Cost: 10% of the user's Mp minimum up to 20% of the user's Mp maximum per usage.


Flash Steps

-The user dashes and moves so fast that he appears and reappears from a point in space.

-The speed of movement using the skill bypasses the maximum speed. A naked eye will not be able to follow the movements of Flash Steps.

-Distance traveled per Flash Step is only within 20 meters.


Requirements for the next Unique Skill Ascension:

-11x Holy Relics

-12X Shards of the Broken Staff of Wisdom

-1x Weapon/ Sealed Weapon of an individual who has/had the Title of a "Hero"

-Title of Godkin (25% less damage from pure/dark/ piercing damage)

-Level 350



Character Inventory: - will only show the important stuff in possession.

-4x Demon Gate Relic

-6x Ruin Artifacts

-1x Octagram Star (Holy Relic)

-1x Pendant of Light (Holy Relic)

-1x Gold Chalice (Holy Relic)

-1x Lantern of Light (Holy Relic)

-1x Gargoyle Persona

-1x Orb of Corrosion (A high-grade magic stone that buffs the overall stats of skills that damage over time by 50%.)

-62x High-Grade Holy Relics

-11x Leviathan Crystal Orbs (Shadow Spheres of the Deep)

-1x Bow of Unending Dreams (Sealed Hero's Weapon)




Rim the SLIME LORD, Given Name: RIM

Item Equipped: Dragon Lord Persona(Exclusive Item), Scourge Wolf Persona(Exclusive Item)

Affiliated Effect: +25% base stats of the Master and +100% of any buff that the Master uses.

(the affiliated effect is not shown on the status page)

LVL: 200/200 (ascended +2)- stat bonus increase per level is highly increased.

Hp: 7,600,000 (+50,000 for every lvl) base stat was 350,000 starting from lvl 55.

Mp: 775,000(+5,000 for every lvl) base stat was 50,000 starting from lvl 55.

Speed: 800 (+5 for every lvl) base stat was 75 starting from lvl 55.

Defense: 315,000 (+2,000 for every lvl) base stat was 25,000 starting from lvl 55.

(max is 90% physical damage reduction, cannot go further.)

Magic Defense: 305,000(+2,000 for every lvl) base stat was 15,000 starting from lvl 55.

(max is 90% magical damage reduction, cannot go further.)

Attack: 1,460,000 (+10,000 for every lvl) base stat was 10,000 starting from lvl 55.

Magic Attack: 1,460,000 (+10,000 for every lvl) base stat was 10,000 starting from lvl 55.


Adaptability: Rim the Slime Lord can adapt to any environmental debuff.


Slime Goo Barrage- deals 200% of Slime King's attack in an area.

Slime Goo Domain- lowers enemy speed by 25.

Slime King's Aura- lowers all defenses of the enemy by 20% and speed by 20.

Lord's Domain lesser- lowers attack of enemies inside the domain by 20%

Slime Bind- binds the target into submission constricting its body around the said target.

Despair Aura EX- drops enemy speed to 5 for 10 seconds.

Mimic- can turn into a monster/ higher monster that the User/ the slime Lord has defeated and use their skills depending on their adapted affinity and equipped item. Skills effectivity is based on Slime Lord's status.


Dragon Lord Persona(Exclusive Item) added passives:

Dragon Soul Max- 50% less physical dmg, 75% less magical dmg. Increase resistance to any form of debuffs.

Dragon Aura Max- Increase final dmg by 20% to lower-level enemies.


HoarFrost Dragon Form added Skills:

Icefield Aura- Decrease the speed of the enemy within 100 meters by 25.

Ice Blast- Charges up a beam that when shot, deals 250% of Magic Attack damage.

Dragon Domain- Dragon/Slime Lord's stats are boosted by 10%.

Icicle Spikes- shoots 10 spikes made of ice towards the enemy dealing 50% of attack damage per icicle shot.

Ice Storm- Channeling skill that slows the enemy by 50% of their speed, damages them by 5% of their hp every 10 seconds and applies the Frostbitten effect that slows their speed by 15% for 30 seconds which stacks up to 5 times. Anybody unable to resist it will be frozen in place within 2 minutes. Drains 20% of max Mp per minute of channeling.


Sand Dragon Form added Skills:

Sand Erosion- Erodes the area into the sand and disintegrates it into nothing.

Sandstorm- Controls the sand to deal chip damage that worsens as more sand damage the target. Scales from 5%-30% of the User's damage per second depending on how long they've been in the sandstorm.

Prisoner of the Desert- Makes a hardened sand barrier around the target.


Scourge Wolf Form Added Skills:

Claw Strike- Deals 250% of your attack damage.

Agile Beast- Passively increases speed by 25.

Quick-Step- increases speed by 10%.

Howl- Lowers enemy attack damage and magical damage by 10%.

Keen Sense- Vision and Smell are greatly increased.