Peaceful Meeting

Within just a couple of days, Aries, Phobos, and Vlad had reached the Archipelago of the water leviathans. They flew toward that archipelago while taking small breaks in between. Using both their summoned units (Fyenrier and Phantom Shade) as boats, the three of them took small breaks.

(It would've taken some time to gather the materials needed to give Vlad a skill scroll for controlled levitation. Carrying him was a hassle but I had no choice. My only problem back then was if Phobos would start acting up. Good thing he was back to normal when we started flying toward the Archipelago. Well, no need to worry about what happened. We are already here and we need to finish our job before Vlad's apostles are done with their preparations.)

"We might take a while here. It's a good thing these islands are filled with wildlife. The monsters we are going to hunt are not strong compared to us but it's hard to bait and catch them."

"The three of us are not good when it comes to underwater combat, right, Aries?"

"Yeah. Well, it's easy to kill them on land. We just need to fish them out."

"I'm on it, Aries! Hand of the Wicked Plague."

(It's a skill that engulfs Phobos' hands in a magical aura. The aura that is emitted weakens the individual it touches, making them cripple on their own.)

Phobos touched the sea as part of the water in front of them turned black.

(Water Leviathans love the taste of death and this skill emits an aura that is similar to the debris of the mana of dead monsters.)

"Although this bait will work, we will take a while. Don't forget that we will only kill the big ones. Their size is proportional to the amount of mana they've gathered so far from the dead monsters. The bigger the better."

(Even Vlad could kill these monsters easily if they get out of the water. This Archipelago is the water leviathans' home. We are mainly aiming to kill the adult ones. Their crystal cores contain contaminated souls, or to be precise, an accumulation of dead water monster's solidified mana.)

"Water Leviathans are also called the "Ghost Fish of the Sea" for they absorb the debris of dead monster's mana and solidify them. Most monster Crystal cores only contain their own mp solidified but water Leviathans contain even the mp of ancient monsters which is why they are a good source of energy for a wide-scale skill. For example, a skill on a continental level."

"Aries sounded a bit scary, don't you think, Vlad?"

"I don't care what happens after this. All I know is to follow master Aries' orders and the will of the organization."

"You really tamed this dude to be your subordinate, Aries."

"Let's just focus on the mission since we need a lot of these."

"Okay, Aries. Phantom shade, take over my killing job for a while, I'll just rest near a tree and maybe kill some animals for us to eat."

(Rest, huh? Well, we've been on this mission for a while now, A proper sleep might be good as well. I'll think about it once we kill some of these at least.)


A whole week then passed and Lady Alice and the group finally arrived in the City of Arwyna. This city is the biggest harbor area in the Country of Wishes.

A human greeted them inside the city. And as they entered, they were in awe at the sight of the sea on the harbor.

"There are quite a few humans here, Lady Alice. Maybe we can ask some for more information regarding this place."

"It's so different from the Capital City. It's like all of the houses have been downgraded with a hint of a seaside village."

"Stop Joking around, Gester."

"I'm not Joking, Zeal! Tell him, Aila."

"I don't know about you two, just make sure to keep Lady Alice safe."

Zeal then scratched his head to forget all the other stuff and focus on their agenda.

"Anyway, we must get going and find an Inn. We can see tomorrow the schedule for the ships that will sail for Repreus."

Both Gester and Aila agreed. Aila then looked at Lady Alice who seem to be in deep thought.

"Lady Alice?"

"Oh, it's nothing. come on, let's get going."

Lady Alice and the group went to the nearest inn they could find and stayed there for the whole day.

(I hope Seth is doing fine.)


While all of this are happening, Seth was busy grinding. A whole week passed and yet he is still on the outskirts of the fallen Holy Kingdom and The Country of Wishes. He explored old ruins of destroyed castles, towns, and even underground caves one by one, hunting every settling monster without a break.

Seth was busy grinding inside a cave he found at the entrance of one of the ruined buildings.

LVL UP! LVL 121.

Notice: The user's current available skill points are 6.

(Nice, I only need 8 more levels and I can max my Unique Skill.)

"By the way, Uriel. Are you sure we are not going to take the Shard of the Staff of wisdom? I've sensed and seen some. They felt pretty dense in Mana."

Notice: The shards are what keep the concentration of monsters in some places possible. Without them, some monsters would scatter and might ravage close-by villages. The user may take the shards if he wants or can wait and replace them with a relic of equal value.

"I guess I'll keep them in there for a while. I might take them in the future since I just feel that they might be needed for something since there are so many of them scattered."

(Uriel, take notes on their location.)

Notice: Uriel will be marking the locations of the shards of the staff of wisdom for future purposes.

"I'll get up on the surface first with Rim and take a break, it's been a long while."

Rim turned into its scourge wolf form as Seth laid down on his furry back to rest.

(Dark shadows, go and scout the further end of this labyrinth-like cave. Kill everything in sight.)

Notice: A group of people has entered the user's vicinity. No threat had been detected.

(And here I thought I can get a rest.)

Seth stood up and greeted the group of people as Rim went back into a hardened ball right into his pouch bag.

Notice: One of the people from the group is someone that the user knows.


Seth looked at them and saw a man dressed in a very expensive long robe, a person in a whole suit of armor, some people in dark dresses, and a familiar face.

Before he could get close, the one in a suit of armor stopped him.

"Who are you? State your name!"

"I'm... Seth..."

The familiar man from the group then got closer to Seth as Seth called out to him.

"Lord Roman! I see you've been well!"

(We've barely talked but I somehow am glad to know that he is alive.)

Notice: Quick assessment of the group is finished.

Race: human- Lvl 68 Pope.

Race: human- Lvl 15 - Lord Roman.

Race: human- all below lvl 50. three in total. cleric, crusader, holy knight.

Race: Ascended human- Lvl 115- Templar Knight.

(Ascended Human? I can't believe there is one.)

Notice: The Templar Knights are the strongest people from the Holy Kingdom and are considered the personal guard of the Holy Kingdom. The shield of the Pope, the shield of the Capital City, and the shield of the Holy Kingdom. There are three in total.

Before he could process it all, Lord Roman struck up a conversation.

"Seth! It's so random meeting you here."

As they talked, the Templar Knight got close to them.

"I'm one of the three Templar knights- called the shield of the pope, that serve the Pontifex. My name is Arthur. I sense that you are quite a strong individual. Are you a traveling adventurer of some sort perhaps?"

"I guess so..."

"We are currently on our travel to escort the Pontifex Maximus out of this country. We've been in hiding ever since I prioritized escorting the Pontifex out of the Kingdom for I knew the Holy Kingdom was at a disadvantage right away. Have you heard of the war on the Holy Kingdom?"

"Yeah, I've heard. I just came from the Country of Wishes and news spread fast."

"I see, At least it must be safe to stay there."

(Now that he pointed that out, I should tell Lord Roman that Lady Alice is fine.)

"By the way, Lord Roman. I've met Lady Alice back in the Capital city of the Country of Wishes. Don't worry, she is safe along with her escorts. They are planning on going to Repreus as well."

Notice: The Pontifex Maximus must be the Level 68 Pope that is with them.

Seth looked at the Pope and saw that he was really old.

(The Holy Kingdom is no more and yet the Templar Knight is still prioritizing guarding the Pontifex. I guess titles aren't just for show but a lifestyle as well. Well, Looking at the Pope, he doesn't look like he is in good shape. He might not last long living in this world I supposed.)

While he was thinking all of this, He didn't realize that Lord Roman was so happy with what Seth said to him.

"Thank you! I'm already happy just knowing that my daughter is alive."

"No problem."

(I guess I better leave for now. I can't have that Templar Knight completely figuring me out.)

"I'll be going then. Oh, by the way, are you guys going to the Capital City of the country of wishes?"

"We are."

"Best wishes to all of you and to both our journeys."

"Where are you going?" Lord Roman asked.

"I'm a traveler, I go wherever."