Nightmare's Conclusion

After Seth teleported, the vines grew from the ground and encapsulated him. He didn't travel far enough and was caught up in both the blast from the negative energy and Aries' unique skill.

Since the Radius of the negative explosion was around 50- miles and Aries' following explosion was around 100- miles, there was no way for him to escape it within the time given. Even if he used Greater Teleportation EX once, it will merely teleport him close to 3 miles which he also couldn't do for he was also low on Mp.

Notice: Warden of Life shield is broken.

Notice: The user is being damaged.

Notice: The user is below 50%. The Triad of the Spirit's shield is active.

Notice: The shield is broken.

The blast was so strong that it pierced through the vines that were protecting Seth and disintegrated them, letting Seth take a lot of damage.

Notice: The user's Hp is below 30%.

Notice: The user's Hp is below 15%

Notice: The blast moved on from the user.

Notice: God's soul is inactive.