A New Journey Begins

Notice: User can ascend in level. Materials are enough for the next level tier ascension.

Notice: Level ascension requires the following:

5x Ruin artifacts + 1x Demon gate relic + The user should be level 250.


-6x ruin artifacts

-4x demon gate relics

(I guess it's not enough for Rim. I need to grind a new ruin. Level ascension permitted.)

Notice: Level ascension is complete.

Notice: User level is 250/400.

It had been two days since the start of the trip and Seth was feeling good while on the trip.

( I didn't realize that because I'm of a godkin race, I don't have any form of sickness. Back in my old world, I'm sure I'd get seasick. It feels so good to enjoy stuff that you don't normally do, even back in my old world.)

"Aries, Vlad. I'll be going out for a while to view the deck."

Seth got out of their assigned room. He went out and saw a lot of people moving a lot of boxes.

"What are those?" He asked.