A Party Rank UP! (Part 2)


They arrived in Pandoura just before sunset. There, Sendou was already expecting their arrival as if he already knew that they would wipe out the task in a jiff.

"Wow, at record time as well. With your speed in clearing, you can easily reach Rank S+ in no time!"

Sendou was really proud of them.

"Come, come!" Sendou was really excited when he received the two A Rank Guild Quest Completion Letters.

Since Seth and Aries were the first two (humans) that he followed as a party, as being a human himself, he is really invested in their growth as adventurers and how fast their pace is in getting stronger. Sendou also believes that Valhadr is training them and he wants to keep a good eye on their growth for that reason alone.

"I'll just have them verified and check. We can talk in the guest room for a while."

Seth and the rest followed Sendou in the guest room.

"I haven't seen Valhadr anywhere. Is he busy?"