Sparring Match - Seth VS S Rank Party (Part 1)


Thalia then gave the rules for the sparring match.

"Okay listen up. The sparring match will be between Seth here versus all of the members of the Chaos Nectar Party. It will be a timed match in which Seth needs to survive or not be fatally wounded at the end. The time will be ten (10) minutes."

The leader of the Chaos Nectar Party was surprised.

"Wow, ten (10) whole minutes?"

Thalia then responded, "You better go fight him with the intention to at least break his leg. If Valhadr has that much faith in him, then it means he is the real deal. I know for a fact that even if I haven't met Valhadr in years, he is still one of the strongest here and his judgment is well, decent enough. Right, Valhadr?"

"Tsk. What do you mean by decent enough? You really doubt me that much, huh?"

"Well, I wouldn't say that but you are at least on the useable side of the spectrum."