Teaching - First Day (Part 1)


After returning to the room, Seth looked at his notes.

"I see. It says here that I will be only teaching until the fifth day and the last two days are their respective examinations. Let's see here..."

Seth looked at what and who he was supposed to be teaching.

"Oh, so I have fifteen (15) students in total who are all divided into four classes. A lot of students also have other teachers and it's not just me teaching Basic Control Magic so it's great that I don't have to shoulder all of the students under that course."

Seth had a sense of relief knowing that there were other teachers beside him since he wasn't expecting to teach many students at once as well.

"Okay, so the first class consists of six (6) students who are in the last year of their First Quarter. I guess the rest of the classes are for those who didn't pass the FQFP. They consist of four (4), three (3), and two (2) students respectively."

Seth pondered for a bit.