Vitale Family's Goal

Brie smirked seeing the muzzle of the gun pointed at her. "You want to kill me. Is she that important to you? Mentioning her warrants death?"

Leander didn't say anything. He was waiting for her excuse to meet his wife. 

"Oh, I know!" she clapped. "You're mad at me for not waiting for you…I was… I thought~"

"I do not care for the past, Brie. I don't," he said. 

Brie looked at his sharp eyes and sighed. "So… it's not about me… I get it…It's about HER, your precious…" 

With her hips swaying she walked to the small bar in the corner. "I know certain things that I can teach your wife if you let me. You'll thank me later," she turned and winked at him. It was obvious she was meaning the naughty things between a man and a woman. But Leander was not wavered. 

"Want some?" she asked pointing at the whiskey on the table.