Not Giving Up

During lunch, Viviana noticed that Leander was not eating much. He would usually eat two servings, but he only ate one serving that day. 

"Are you feeling sick?" she asked him. "You are not eating much."

He looked at her like she was speaking French. And so, she shrugged and let go. Had she pushed him, he might have told her the real reason he couldn't eat more. He likes her cooking and something was missing in other people's cooking.

Leander asked Martin to bring food to Lionel and to wake him up. It was already an hour past noon. Viviana wanted to settle in the living room for her daytime soap operas, but Leander was lingering. Mary and Martha won't join her in watching if Leander was around. 

The fun part of watching those dramatic soap operas is watching with others. Without them, Viviana didn't want to watch the shows alone, even though she was curious to know if Bella managed to hide her pregnancy from Alexander.