Her Sufferings

Leander looked around Viviana's room. Vito asked him to take the guest room, but Martha brought him to Viviana's room and asked him to get ready for dinner. 

He wanted to visit her in the kitchen but he didn't want to provoke her. She might add more salt in his bowl ruining a perfect dinner. Well, she wouldn't ruin food, for sure. She might hide the food she cooked though. He didn't want to take a chance. He wanted to have her meal to his heart's content. He missed her cooking. 

Steve left his bag and got out. Leander looked around. She didn't have much lying around. It looked empty and clean like how his room was before she entered his life again. 

She didn't bother to decorate this place to her taste because she did not feel at home there. 

He sighed. Sitting on the big bed, he opened the nightstand drawer or tried to. It was child-proofed and he couldn't open it at first. He checked the insides to see what his wife was up to in his absence.