A Date

Viviana heard about the incident with Angelina only two days later. She was worried, at first but after hearing about the heroic rescue her brother enacted, she was glad. 

For the first time, Leonardo managed to do something for Angelina. And that was the best thing anyone could have ever done for a woman. Viviana was happy Angelina was safe. At the same time, she hoped her family change their tactics and not attack any more women. 

Her father told her that he was giving up all of his businesses that involved women. She hoped Leonardo would agree with that decision too and follow their father. 

"Are you feeling okay?" Leander asked rubbing her back. 

"I'm fine," Viviana kissed him. "Are you making crab cakes? Yummy! I'll go get Ziya!" She did a little clap as she was excited. 

Leander kissed her. "You are happy," he said. 

"I am," she did a little dance.