A new personality

Jay didn't think much of it and entered his room and closed the door behind him. Then tossing the dried sheets onto his bed, he quickly walked over to Uriel in soft steps. He then lifted both her legs to put the black leggings on.

But as he was halfway through, sliding the fabric through her soft, slim legs, Uriel's eyes shot open as if she was in some horror movie.

Though Jay only eyed Urial for a second, he could tell something was different about her. It was almost as if she was another person.

"Who are you?!" Uriel screamed and smacked Jay on his right cheek; that was hard enough to leave a mark.

Then rising from the chair, she swiftly moved across the room while pulling up her stockings all the way.

"What do you mean? Did I rail you too hard?" Jay chuckled.

"You beast!" Uriel yelled while pulling a straight sword made of steel from her back.

"Oi! Oi! Where did you get that?!" Jay yelled back. "And lower your goddamn voice!"

The only thing Uriel saw when she opened her eyes was a man pealing away at her stockings, revealing her sacred area.

"Where am I?" Urial asked, looking around attentively and cautiously around Jay's room.

'Does she have a personality disorder?' Jay questioned himself as that was the only reason he could think of at the moment. 'Then things might get rough for me….'

"We're in my room, and I ain't going to do anything to you," Jay said calmly. Slowly approaching Uriel with his hands out as if he was trying to tame a wild beast.

Watching Jay take a step forward, Uriel flinched and took a step back, but it was at that moment she felt something wrong with her body.

'I can't use mana….' She thought to herself while moving her eyes down at her shaking hand that held onto her heavy sword.

"You… what did you do to my body?" Urial questioned. "Did you drug me?"

In contrast to what Urial was thinking, different thoughts were going through Jay's head.

'If she has a different personality, then would that personality be able to recognize me? Should I play it safe and still continue my act as Alex?' Thoughts surged through his head.

"What are you saying? I never drugged you." Jay responded in confusion. "And I don't think we're on the same page here, so let me ask you thing. Who are you?" It was a simple yet important question that would answer most of Jay's questions.

"Remember this well!" Urial shouted while pointing at Jay. "I am the first princess of the Shadow Empire, Julie voe Lieasan! Daughter of the demon king Drack and the fallen angel Lisa! I am no being, a lowly person like you can touch!" Julie proclaimed, puffing up her chest with pride.

Jay gave Julie a mild look before stepping back while sighing. It looked like he was worrying for no reason.

Jay then walked over to the black bookshelf behind him and grabbed a blue rabbit stuffed with cotton.

Then reaching to the back of the stuffed rabbit's head, Jay took out a USB card and slid it into his phone.

From the moment Jay had taken a step back, Julie had been keeping watch of his minute movements.

"Stop…" Julie mumbled before pointing her shaking sword at Jay. "Is that some kind of magic device?"

"..." Jay didn't say anything and continued to approach Julie.

"Get back!" She yelled as she wildly swung her word at Jay, but it came nowhere o bitting home. The straight sword then came flying out of her hand and crashed onto the wooden floor. There was no way her weak grip would be able to hold that heavy sword.

Jay then took the chance to swiftly approach Julie and grabbed both her wrists. Feeling the force Jay was bringing down, Julie stumbled back until she hit the wall.

Then he brought up both of Julie's hands and pinned them above her head with his left hand.

"Get your hands off of me!" Julie yelled as he eyebrows furrowed in frustration.

Raising his phone in front caused her to flinch as she thought it was some kind of weapon.

But looking at the screen, Julie's eyes winded in shock and confusion. Blood rushed to her cheeks, which made them bright red like a tomato.

"Ahn~ Please master, slow down~!" Julie's lewd moans came out of the phone speaker, causing her to drop her jaws.

"W-what kind of witchcraft is this?!"

"I guess that didn't work…." Jay muttered to himself. He had thought that showing her this would trigger some sort of memory inside her. "You really don't remember any of this?"

"No! I would never partake in such deads!"

"Then what is this? It sure seemed you were enjoying yourself." Jay said as he shoved the screen closer to Julie's face.

"You really think I would believe that? It was probably fabricated by magic!"

'Well, I guess this personality is a bit more naive than the other one….' Jay thought while slanting his eyes. 'Why can't she realize what situation she's in?'

He then sighed again and then dropped his phone back into his pocket. Then grabbed onto Julie's stockings.

"Ahhh! You beast! You dare to touch down there again?! If you don't want to die by my father, then I suggest you remove your hands!" Julie exclaimed while frailing her body.

Unfortunately for her, such movements weren't able to stop Jay. She just had to helplessly watch Jay pull down her stocking, which revealed her bare pussy, and it seemed to be still oozing with white liquids.

Julie also noticed the white liquids steeping out of her hole.

"Y-you…" Julie looked back up at Jay with her face now completely overtaken by anger and rage. "You really violated my body as you wished and forced me to take your children! You monster who learned forbidden hypnosis magic from the succubus empress! You are beyond evil! Unforgivable!" Julie angrily muttered through her bitten lips. "Even shredding you to a thousand pieces wouldn't be able to subdue my anger!"