Heavens lighting strike

'I don't know what this old man will give me, but it has to be good.' Jay thought while entering the temple door. 'Something that will keep me alive a bit longer.'

Uriel sighed and caught up to Jay, and walked beside him. When both stepped inside, the temple door shut closed with a tremor.

Outside was the old man grinning at the turn of events.

"Wow…" Jay said in awe as they both walked down the long and large corridor. Blue flames lit the torches scattered across the walls of the stone hallway.

"You trusted what that human said?" Uriel finally asked. "Humans are the cunning type, so you can't ever fully trust them."

'But you fully trust me….'

What Uriel said, Jay also knew it too. He knew how sly humans could be from experience in the real world, so why did he choose to believe a random old man?

It was because he received a quest notification from the system. There was no way the old man was lying if he had gotten a guest from it.

"I just did." Jay smiled. 'And the offer he gave me was just too good to turn down.

Uriel kept staring at Jay with a raised eyebrow. For some reason, she was getting a strange feeling from him.

Walking deeper into the heart of the temple, Jay suddenly stopped as he noticed a giant figure far in the distance. It looked like some sort of large reptile to Jay like a dinosaur; well, at least it did for him since he was so far away.

"Spatial manipulation," Uriel said, looking at the figure far in front of her. Both continue to walk forwards.

Indeed the figure in front of them was a monster covered in black scales twenty feet long and ten feet tall with all four feet on the floor, but that wasn't the problem.

The problem was that his monster was lunging towards a beautiful young woman, fleeing with her back turned against the monster, and all of this was happening with time frozen.

The monster's sharp black nails only an inch before piercing the woman's heart.

[Save the old man's wife.]

The system interference popped up again in Jay's vision.

'Wait, that's his wife?" Jay thought in confusion. 'Why does she look so young?'

"Hmmm… I guess that old human wasn't lying." Uriel spoke. "But what are you going to do? That monster isn't just a regular monster. Not to mention the fact where fifty meters away from her."

"Can we not get closer?" Jay asked.

"No, if we were to get any closer than this, then we would be affected by the spatial manipulation," Uriel replied while shaking her head.

Hearing her answer, Jay closed his eyes and went into deep thought. 'If I want to save this old man's wife, then I would have to close the gap of fifty meters while all the monster has to do is close the gap of a few inches. If it's fast, then there is one way.'

"Hey Uriel, do you know some sort of javelin or spear-throwing techniques?" Jay abruptly asked.

"I am a master spear woman in the great heaves, of course I know."

"Then show me your fastest throwing technique."

"The fastest? Not in the state I'm in. I only have a little fraction of my true power." Uriel sighed but then smiled. "Though I can give you a vision."

"That's perfect!" Jay exclaimed.

Uriel then took in a deep breath and slowly reached for her chest. Subsequently, a bright blue light shaped in a sphere came out and began floating toward Jay.

"It's not going to do any harm," Uriel reassured. "It's just a vision."

Even though Uriel had said it was going to do no harm, Jay was a bit spectacle about this neon blue ball drifting towards his head, but he still let everything flow.

As the ball reached Jay's head, it slowly sank inside his forehead and into his brain; the moment it did, Jay felt a sharp pain coming inside his head.

A bright flashed in front of him, and the pain was gone.

Jay slowly opened his eyes and noticed a woman standing in front of him, with her back facing Jay. Jay tried to get a better look at her face, but he couldn't because it was blurred. The woman was holding a long spear and raising it into the air; she aimed it at the looming mountains in front of her, some as tall as Mount Everest.

Unexpectedly her arms tightened while hot breaths came leaking out of her mouth.

"Hap!" She yelled while extending her arm and sending the spear flying towards the mountains. The spear was sent right through the mountain like butter, melting several different metals into liquid magma.

[The predecessor's eyes have been activated.]

[User cannot understand the technique. The technique is above ten levels. The predecessor's eyes have failed.]

[Puppet's imitation has been activated.]

[Now able to use the technique: heavens lighting strike.]