
The white wolf was beyond frustrated as she stared at the couple through the window as they slept peacefully together. She had thought she had finally broken the girl, cut into her heart like butter. She thought that once the King had arrived, the girl would have been too ruined and broken to try and recover.

But no!

Snarling, the white wolf began to pace outside the castle walls. What did the girl have that kept her from hating the King? Why wouldn't she just give up like all the other victims? It was infuriating! Insane! Appalling!

And the white wolf would find a way to end the cycle. She would find a way to win this game of theirs. One way or another, the white wolf was going to come out of this triumphant!

She stopped pacing and stared hard at the girl, willing her to wake up and see the wolf outside her window, hovering like a monster of the dark. She didn't. The only thing the white wolf succeeded in was making the girl snuggle closer to the King.

She growled.