
Bardulf was in Nubet, Prince Rodric's kingdom. It was tropical and hot. He hated it, but his scent trail goes through, so he has to follow. After days of following it, he found it to be Jaqueline's and had gotten excited. Now, he was cautious. Roderick was a selfish bastard who would've had Philippa punished for doing her job. He wanted to rule and have the females procreate. Bardulf still wanted to rip his throat out, but focused on his primary target.

He came to a small door in the side of the castle and sniffed. She was inside. He shifted, grabbed the handle, and pulled. To his astonishment, it opened. Inside, he barely could make out Jaqueline's form, upright, hurt, but eyes blazing with energy to fight her way free.

He blinked. Felt respect for her rise in this moment. "Jaqueline."

She blinked hard at him, seeming to make sure she was in reality. "Bardulf?"

He grinned at her. "Hello, Princess."