The Man in Black Shadow

Umbara approached Sekar, then smiled. The woman's face looked confused because she saw Umbara in front of her.

"How did you get here?" Sekar retreated carefully whenever Umbara continued to approach. She remembered very well that this man was the man who had met her at the brothel that time. The man who asked her to redeem ten times what he had paid Nyai Kasmirah because Sekar did not serve him that night. "Could you follow me here?" Sekar asked.

Umbara held back his laughter, seeing Sekar's frightened face, backed away slowly and intended to avoid it. "Didn't I tell you that I would make you redeem me tenfold?" Umbara gave Sekar an intimidating smile.

Sekar swallowed her saliva. How did this man know Sekar's whereabouts? Damn! So now what should Sekar do?

"Go away! I'll get in trouble if they find out I'm with a guy here," Sekar said. She was rubbing her hands in front of her chest, pleading with Umbara. If Gayatri finds out that Sekar is there with Umbara, then she will not survive tonight. Right now she is being punished for washing all the utensils used for eating because of what happened earlier with Bhanurasmi. The punishment will increase even more if Gayatri finds Sekar here with an unknown man.

When Umbara continued to approach Sekar, she continued to back away. Her foot accidentally tripped over a rock. Umbara managed to catch Sekar's body quickly. The woman didn't fall to the ground, but the things she was carrying scattered and made a very loud noise. "Are you okay?" asked Umbara. Looking into Sekar's beautiful eyes.

"I am alright." Sekar immediately released her body from Umbara's arms, which were wrapped around her waist. Then she crouched down to pick up the scattered items that fell. Sekar fearfully looked towards the kitchen. She could see someone's shadow coming out from there. It must be Gayatri. She came out after hearing the noise that Sekar made just now.

"Please get out of here! I'll see you again to talk about compensation. " Sekar immediately stood up after picking up her things, then again pleaded with Umbara. She kept staring at the shadow of someone from inside the kitchen, getting closer to the exit. How about this?

When Umbara looked back, he saw a figure coming out of the kitchen. She is Gayatri. Actually, Umbara is not very interested in Gayatri; what intrigues her more is the image of someone on the roof of the concubine's kitchen. "Who's he?" Umbara looked at someone wearing an all-black robe and covering his face.

Umbara turned to Sekar. "Okay, see you later." Then he shot away from behind Sekar's body as fast as lightning.

Sekar stares in surprise at Umbara's disappearing quickly behind the wall, but she is relieved that Umbara finally complied with her request to leave. Never mind, Sekar will think about the issue of compensation later.

"What are you doing there, Sekar?" Gayatri's voice is loud. just as Umbara had disappeared behind the wall. Has this woman ever seen him? I hope not. Sekar spoke in her own heart.

"There isn't any. I tripped over the stone and my things fell, and I picked them up, "said Sekar. Gayatri doesn't answer right away; she watches Sekar closely. Looking at the rock that Sekar had just pointed at and then looking around. After finding nothing, she ordered Sekar to return immediately. "Hurry in!"

Meanwhile, Umbara immediately talked about what he had just seen on the roof of the concubine's kitchen. "I'll go there," said Umbara. Without waiting for an answer from Krishna, he darted towards the back of the concubine's house, looking for the whereabouts of the person by estimating where he had dropped off.

Krisna followed Umbara, who was moving very fast. "Baginda, I will look for him. It's too dangerous for you to look for it yourself like this. " Krisna tried to prevent the King from dealing with this problem on his own.

While Umbara did not pay attention to Krisna's words, his eyes continued to wander in all directions, looking for the figure. "It's better if we split up, Krishna. I feel like I've seen that figure before," said Umbara. Don't listen to Krishna's worries. "As much as possible, get him!" Umbara ordered Krishna to.

Krisna no longer dared to go against Umbara's orders; he walked in the opposite direction with the King, who decided to go to the left and ran.

"I'm sure I've seen him somewhere," said Umbara, while continuing to look around. Umbara walked slowly to the dark area behind the concubine's house, being careful. He didn't carry any weapons because he was still in the kingdom. Who would have thought that anyone would dare to enter such a kingdom?

His eyes caught a black shadow running beside him, past the two buildings that had a gap of several meters. He immediately ran after the shadow. "Stop right there!" Umbara shouted. But when he followed behind the building, there was no one there. It seemed that someone was playing with Umbara.

He must have known that Umbara was after him and had knowledge of his whereabouts. Umbara walked slowly in the area behind the building that the man in black had passed by, observing his right and left. "Come out!" Umbara's voice echoed. Lure the man not to hide. "I knew you were coming," Umbara said once more.

"I'm sure we've met before." Umbara continued to lure the man in all black to come out. with the belief that they had met before. "Tell me, what is your purpose in coming here?"

As soon as Umbara's question was finished, he could feel someone behind him slowly approaching, a shadow approaching and then stopping when Umbara also stopped walking. Umbara turned around, and it was true that he found the man in all black pulling out his sword. It was currently aiming it at Umbara quite calmly. Umbara stepped forward without fear of the man. "What is your purpose in coming here to kill me?" Umbara asked and continued to approach the man.