Familiar energy

After Neon took a step forward to the center of the territory inhabited by an abnormal, he never thought it'll be this easy. His eyes did most of the work after they naturally activated their ability in his time of need. This happens daily even if he doesn't wish for this ability to appear without any kind of warning, however, he doesn't have the slightest bit of complaint. After all, he wasn't the type of person that was excited if he were to be placed in a difficult situation

[Special ability: The golden eyes of the abyssal tiger passive ability [Piercing gaze] has been activated

Piercing gaze: The host has been granted the ability to gain a heightened sense of sight along with its following effects

Eye of truth: This skill allows the host to be unaffected by any illusion-related ability

Murderous eye: The host can easily intimidate anything below its power inside the range of its perception

Mental penetration: The host can see imagery of an enemy it is concentrated in the middle of a battle. The imagery will show the host, the move of the targeted enemy's next attack before it is concluded]

"Come to think of it, I finally understand the reason why this homunculus has succeeded. It seems that the body parts of the past homunculus were either too underrated or weren't balanced. This was a trait of a monster that can't be forgotten, not even for their body parts. This is why this one has proven to be a success, I wonder if it's truly fine if I possess the abilities of the past world-ending calamities," Even though it was such a matter of great importance, Neon simply brushes it off

He didn't have a single care if it could help him grow, apart from the monsters which he sees as his nutrition. He hasn't committed any evil acts against anyone but the monsters inside the forest. To him, these abilities were his greatest strength, as the alchemist that has studied their behavior. Also as the person that killed these monsters with his power, he has confidence that they wouldn't disobey him. After digesting the core, his theory was then proven to be true, inside the body parts of the monsters lies a hint of their soul

'Resentment, regret, anger, sadness, and lastly their will to survive, to think that these monsters possess such a thing. If only they were a wee bit friendly, they might have befriended the human race. But sadly that's not going to happen, there seems to be a taboo that's blocking that kind of thing to occur. I've only come to learn of this when I tried to fight off the soul of the void serpent within its core. It seems that I gained another problematic knowledge that will be a mystery for a long time,'

By the time he was to encounter any kind of danger that wasn't caused by the traps prepared for any unwanted guest. He could only see a few monsters specializing in any illusion-related skills. Overgrown sentient mushrooms, a camouflage sentient demon oak, and lastly a bunch of moving inanimate objects. Such as rocks that turn into a golem when he accidentally stepped into one of the runes

"Basic sword arts, Circular slash," He swings the sword that he made from the fang of the void serpent at an incredible speed. His dexterity played a big part, along with his mana increasing the overall sharpness and quality of his blade. Even with these dangerous encounters, he advances toward the center. He couldn't find a single imp in his vicinity, even though he mostly left his back unguarded when he picked a few herbs

[System: You've killed a monster, the collected experience will now be given]

'Quite strange... I've been here for the last 3 hours and it seems that these imps haven't even thought of attacking me even once. No matter how cunning that abnormality may have been, it can't have possibly removed its presence. Truly the case with my current dilemma, it's only been a few days there's no way it could rapidly grow... Maybe im still far from the entrance, let's not waste any moment it' faints, but I can feel a change in the wind,'

When he goes deeper into the center, he begins to doubt his very own studies that he conducted in the abnormals. There was something off from his encounters, the monsters he fought were stronger than ever. It made him go think back to the time when he first entered this hellish manifestation that appeared without any warnings. A gut feeling that he had never once doubted resurfaced as soon as he sets foot in the center

[System: Multiple injuries have been detected that were dealt to the guardian in a matter of seconds]

When he tried to take a little breather to restore his energy, he was ambushed out of the blue. A fast attack that not even his eyes were able to perceive, if it weren't for his golden eyes he would've perished. He could feel an abnormal occurrence welling up inside his body as soon as Neon had dodged the attack. Text messages from the system go off one by one and he encounters a bunch of monsters in his front

[System: You've been targeted by multiple attacks, the guardian has received the following debuffs. [Bleeding] [Corrosion] [Poison] [Burns] [Nerve override] etc.]

"No way... It can't be," In his sight was an abnormal that possessed a shard that looks like a fragment of the orb of catastrophe. The similar light, the aura, and lastly the unforgettable surge of energy that was produced. He can't believe his eyes when the same relic he destroyed upon his death resurfaced as a shard held by the abnormal

[System: The life of the host has entered a life-threatening phase, resulting in the scales of the nightmarish behemoth activating. The host's skin has been reinforced and shifted to a thick layer of scales belonging to the behemoth. This will further improve the host's defense and will not disappear until the host is either dead or survived his current dilemma]

"Grrrrr!!! This scent!!! My brethren!!! You are responsible for their deaths!!! Kill him!!!!?" The horrific form of the abnormal was by far the best evidence for him to conclude his theory. Its form was mutated by the shard it currently possesses, turning its small size into a monstrous abomination. He could no longer see any distinct features of its former race as it became a monster like the previous wielder of the orb of catastrophe he once defeated

The monsters below the abnormal obeyed its every command as soon as it uttered to have Neon's head to be dismembered. He responded by their sheer numbers that wishes for his death, he wields his sword and aimed his wand. The arrival of the scales was in his favor as it stop his bleeding and reinforced his defense

"Vine manifestation," He starts off the battle by manifesting a vine which in turn he increases its growth with his green thumb. Causing it to grow and overwhelm his opponents for them to be separated from one another. Having fought something like this in the past he needs to kill them off one by one since it'll be a struggle if they remain alive

[System: The guardian has consumed a strengthening pill which increases his overall power for a period of time. The skill [Unparalleled alchemical knowledge] has detected the pill as alchemy related. This enhances the effects by 75% of the given effect and further increases the duration]

[System: The guardian's stat called [Luck] has been activated, and your luck has doubled the effects of the strengthening pill

Stroke of luck: Both attack and speed have been greatly amplified, and your defense has once again been reinforced. You feel a slight increase in your dexterity, and your great handling with your weapon has increased]

The chance for his luck to appear this time around had played a major role in terms of Neon's survival. As much as it may look impressive for one to see with their very own eyes. He could only match the strength of his opponent, their powers have been greatly increased only for a short amount of time to have passed

The radiation from the shard of the relic he once destroyed brought him a great disadvantage. If it weren't for his quick wits to come up with a plan, he would've died then and there whilst his body has been consumed. The vines he created weren't just a means to repel the advancement of his enemies

"I command you to bestow my body with a temporary increase of strength. Empower!!!" He dashes from one monster that was being rooted by his spell and aims for their heads to kill them in a single blow. He did it over and over and over again until his sword would've reached their target

Even with all of this, he was the one that was pressured by these monsters, his tactics only halted the inevitable. He could see his disadvantage as clearly as a morning sun that rises to bestow the people its light. He notices that after every move he made, not even once has the abnormal left its position

"You're too naive," What he thought was the abnormal was only an illusion that was able to mimic its presence. His stubbornness almost cost him his life, unfortunately, he only lost his left arm when he uses it as a shield. That blocked a spell from point-blank range, his arm came flying to his back