
There was a time when no one could predict the future and the fate of humanity and its newly added denizens of the earth. But one day all of it change, when the eternal frost would appear and brought about the arrival of a new race. Glazerus is a being who's said to be born with the highest quality of psychic prowess. Because of their abilities, they brought forth the greatest device known to any race in existence the disaster meter

[System: After traversing countless hours in the wilderness, you've finally reached the nearest town

Status: The system will now be changed by your current location, the system governing the town [Everglaze] has been applied!!!

[Eternal frost]: Once you've entered a new area your system will be changed to the 'Eternal frost' which will grant you access to information and a map of your current location]

'Ever since world expansion became a worldwide occurrence, most of the old nations have died out. The united states of America, Russia, China, and many more nations are known far and wide to hold many people. Most of the current countries either gained new elements, for example, Everglaze or the nation once known as Russia. Its temperature grew too cold that anyone thought I'd be an uncharted land, that was before these new races made their debut,'

"Whoa... This is such a wonderful view!!! I've never thought I'd gaze upon something as magnificent as this~ Master wait up! Can't you even admire the view?"

"Admire it later, we don't have much time, the temperature we faced yesterday was by far the warmest you could've felt. If I were to elaborate on the severity of its normal temperature, hmmm let's say you'll become a life-size popsicle. Don't worry about the security, these people are psychics so murderers are having a hard time sneaking in," After Neon mentions the temperature, his disciple felt an unbearable chill coming from his back

The gust of wind became fierce and the temperature was lowered to a level where it exceeds the temperature to preserve any form of life. However, their bodies were nowhere close to the average vessel and the fluids coursing through their veins grew warmer to counter the breath of the winter. When they went past the gates of Everglaze, their body's defensive mechanism was put to an end

[System: As long as you're within [Everglaze] a protective layer of circle magic will bring the warmth that your body requires]

The violent winds dispersed and the two of them meets a whole new side of this cold and hellish environment. The inner city was a town filled with vegetation, it was a town filled with the latest technology, and was even imparted with an artificial sun. A gigantic light bulb empowered by the people's mana grew brighter and radiates both light and heat for their everyday lives

"Why hello there, travelers... It seems you've made it just in time before we'd seal the gates to shelter us from the beast. The name Sakkari, a pleasure to meet some wandering guardians at this time of year. You are guardians am I correct? Even though I only see a few, something tells me seeing a few people entering the village with no suit is quite peculiar," He was in awe at their inhumane tolerance of the outside temperature as the two have not possessed a single piece of protective clothing

"You could say we're tolerant with the outskirts of the city, I've heard this is where the nearest facility is located. I and my acquaintance are planning to take the entrance exam... I remember that a fully certified guardian will be fully paid for their collected materials compared to a mercenary," Before they were to draw any suspicion, Neon took the lead and voiced out their situation in the most logical conclusion

He quickly changes his gesture and even forced a smile to lighten the heavy atmosphere surrounding the three. Even though Sakkari hadn't done anything for the both of them to be suspicious of his presence. But he couldn't hold a candle against Neon, he wasn't convinced when he detected a few guards surrounding every possible exit they could take

'No matter what kind of situation they have, isn't this a little too strict for a simple checkpoint? Something tells me this not-so-chaotic city is hiding a threat from its denizens... No matter, I don't have any reason to interfere with their lives, I only came here to have myself registered as a guardian,'

"I'm so sorry if I came a little bit hostile to you hahaha... There are a lot of things happening who knows where they came from, I've never dared to doubt anyone in my entire life. But even an outsider is considered the greatest linkage between this threat. Don't take it to your heart, im only doing my best to ensure the safety of the people," But to Neon's surprise, Sakkari wasn't a man filled with greed nor had any hint of discrimination

He lived for so long that he can interpret the gaze given to him by the surrounding populous. Some feared him for his power, and others feared for the lives of their citizen, but Sakkari's gaze was untainted and filled with purity. He already met a lot of people who are twisted in their unique way, but the gaze Sakkari had projected was a welcoming gesture paired with a beaming smile

"You don't have to apologize for anything, I'd be in the same manner as you are if those I held close to my heart is in danger. But I do want to let you know my thoughts, even if we're endowed with the warmth of the city... It's quite rude to let others wait until they're permitted to enter, you haven't even asked if we have consumed our meals," Instead of fighting back and acting repulsive, Neon placed them inside a pitiable condition

Though their bodies didn't harbor any ailments or they'd suffered from any life-threatening injury, hunger was unavoidable. Since the two have stepped forth in one of the coldest parts of the world, hunger was by far the worst possible death. A place possessing a temperature where it forbids most of the survival of people's daily necessities. Correction outside the Everglaze cities warmth was inhabited by bloodthirsty beasts who preyed upon the weak

'Apologies, Sakkari im a man who cares for the well-being of people as well... But if you were to restrict me, then you shall face my wrath though not physically but mentally. Psychological warfare, that's the term that im looking for, whether you let us go now or my words will soon corrupt your men. They'll soon wonder whether they've become an oppressor after they chose to only protect their own,'

"Oh, so you were hungry... I'm sorry to hear that, how about I make it up to you," He clicked his tongue which showed his annoyance. And before it gets any more heated, Sakkari permitted them to venture to the city

Amid that whole fiasco, a figure far and yet close for it to fully view the arrival of a bunch of newcomers. It disappeared right after and after a long day's travel, the two managed to find an inn where they retire for the night. But in this hour wherein most would be asleep, Neon was incapable of partaking in his rest

'For some reason im not in any way tired from our journey, it must be the effect of the immense surge of my draconic heart... But that's not the point, I think im worried about what might occur in the night. I wasn't the type to get paranoid about such a normal occurrence in the dead of night. You might even say it's the perfect time for one to stir some trouble for its people... That settles it, come out... All of you!!!'

[System: You've called for the assistance of all the available [Lesser homunculus] within your body

Lesser homunculus: The homunculus Glutton the left arm, and Bruiser 1, 2, 3, and 4 The nightmarish scales]

Something within his very being lies dormant and they burst forth and answer his call whilst they bowed in their presence. These monsters were born from his detached limbs and slowly they've become a being that amassed great worth. Neon recently focused on leveling their fight power upon them reaching their final form

"Master, what are your orders?" Glutton was the only one who first gained something beyond his comprehension

An artificial life that acquired consciousness and free will upon evolving further attaining its human form. Instead of an independent being, he developed a brain where it stored most of the memories of his growth

"Glutton, have the rest mastered the art of shapeshifting?" In his question, his servant simply nods, and he moved on to their next topic at hand

"You better make sure they do, I have a job in that I want all of you to participate. We've recently entered a city and its denizens are enough to spot you if you aren't careful with your steps. Surveil the surrounding areas for me, I can tell that was not entirely welcome in a place such as this," When they've heard their mission, the lesser homunculus disappeared in his sight

Their body was capable of completely changing their form whether they were large or small, solid, liquid, or even gas. As long as their very cells weren't destroyed they'll be brought back and return to his side. Everglaze was a large city that occupied millions of lives and what's more, it was the city of psychics. Any acts of suspicious movement will only backfire so he only thought about the most logical solution

'Tomorrow's going to be our debut in participating in the registration program to be a full fledge guardian. Before that day comes, I might as well try my hardest to increase my overall strength. Like I said before, I don't want to be intertwined with their crisis, since I don't have the strength to do so. Because of that, I'll reap those people who pursue crime, instead of a jail cell they'll be more of use to be a means of nourishment for my minions,'