
2038 was that momentous year that bent the laws of the world and flushed them down the toilet drain. A year filled with loss, confusion, and dead parents if I had to say anything particularly related. Logic will drive anyone to death's door and the crazier you are the higher the chance of your survival

That day a big change arrived, and I don't mean a zombie apocalypse, alien invasion, or ww4 taking its place. That change came in a form of the merge of the worlds and brought forth wondrous creatures in our community. I'm talking Elves, Beastman, Dragons, etc.

Their arrival came in the form of a new miracle or would they be the ones who'll be the reason to light the flames of war? But in the middle of all this chaos, a valiant hero rose from the ruins and paved the way for peace and prosperity

The great alchemist Ernest Quelt. A master of profound crafting of a variety of miraculous drugs and warfare to say the least. But as the saying goes the candle that flickers brighter than the rest would be the ones who'll be snuffed out of their existence. When he claims as the victor of their most recent enemy he later met his end

No matter how much he'd tried to brush off the reality of the situation, he was betrayed by his own. Stabbed in his back and he never got a glimpse of the perpetrator before he plummeted into the gorge and broke all of his bones. He struggled to breathe, he forced his body to move and screamed with the capacity of his lungs

But no one could hear him pleading for his life, without any glimmer of hope he accepted his fate. But not after he fulfills his single wish, he wanted his most prized creation to survive. The artificial being he calls the homunculus, and to make that happen he takes his life by feeding his body to his creation

Two decades along with not one but two years he survived in this world as the weakest race imaginable. Though humans dominated the world, it was all thanks to their innovation which grew in due time. But in a world in which strength reigns supreme, they were the lowest of the low

Humans never possess a skin durable as a diamond, a vessel that perfectly holds their newly discovered powers such as magic. Their whole existence was a joke and even their very own appears to have accepted this fact. And to make a difference they've even formed a contract with the demons and some performed immoral deeds in their kind

But deep within a particular forest, an irregular pulse was about to reach its maximum capacity. A being was born that inherited the powers of the past world-ending calamities in the form of a human vessel. With golden eyes, black hair, and a childish form paired with a fully grown mind and lastly an unfeeling body

This newly established life form harbored the capability of a monster, and yet it possessed something which place him on top of those vermins. The capacity to think, the power of the beast, and yet this life form had no clear objective whether it destroy or befriend. This entity was once known as Ernest Quelt the hero who died half a decade ago

A miracle presented itself but later realizes it was nothing but a damned curse. His cold and unfeeling body and his reasoning for keeping his humanity prevented him from turning dark. Will he succumb and come to be the newly born catastrophe or will he hold tightly to his humanity?

His existence was beyond the norms and whether he liked it or not he'll one day choose... Is he an uncontrollable monster, or will he remain a human who's filled with the rage he acquired from his betrayal?