I smell a rat [1]

In the private sector of Everglaze lies a few places where the elitist settled down and bore their prejudistic descendants. As many races got Isekaid to Earth many adapted whilst others persist in keeping their tradition which is mainly racism. It's common for the strong to look down on the weak but when it goes too far you know that karma is always looking out for the fags and the bitches alike

"Please sir just give me one more chance!" Ragnir quivered in his boots and with his panicking tone he pleaded for the one who called him at the night

[Unknown number: Another chance? Who the hell are you to ask someone like me when you're not even worthy to know my identity?

Unknown number: I told you to be careful. Do you know that the mock exams will take another month?

Ragnir: Sir I'll do anything, I'll even risk my family to aid you, please just give me one more chance

Unknown number: Hehehehehehe... how ridiculous, do you think Lord Andrei requires people like you? You're nothing without your family, the only reason why you pass is because your parent is a shareholder. Even though your skills are mediocre I heard you got beaten by a nobody

Ragnir: I didn't lose! That bastard uses some dirty tricks. That Majin attacked me from my back. But what makes me hate him the most is that even though he's strong he allows with that human-looking prick. Now that Neon fucker even goes out and denies his punishment and attacks the people I hired

Unknown number: Sigh... you're worthless. Just as expected. It's time to cut you off-

Ragnir: Please sir I beg of you!

Unknown number: Our conversation is over. I thought of sparing you but as I heard it from yourself it's useless. You're too hellbent on your world, we don't require anyone with a self-destructive nature. But don't worry, I requested that my man shall kill you with the least painful end, goodbye]

Ragnir's screams could hardly sound any more irritating when his voice was transmitted by the attached homunculus. Neon had an ear fill and quite possibly regret even snooping when he mostly heard the little bitch's frantic groaning. Although it may seem pointless the homunculus did its purpose being his eyes and ears along with keeping him intact

[System: Linkage to the targeted homunculus has been cut!

(Origin) Sub Ability: Lesser homunculus created by the host grants him access to the targeted summons memory, senses, and will

Outcome: Due to the host remaining silent in the exceeded time the prior command has taken effect and the target has sleep]

'I need to go to the doctor once this is all settled, god damn, he screams long enough that I might have lost my hearing. Still even after I vow never to do this in my life well fuck that life im doing it anyway, it's time to go back to my vigilante days. It feels so weird hanging out in the middle of the night on someone else rooftop, I feel sorta like a child for how secretive I act,'

"Are you done?" He's met with Henry and Eins all geared up for their mission where they settled on the outskirts of Ragnirs mansion

"Hold up, wait a minute, something ain't right... where's your gear? Dude, are you barging into that place without any armor or enchantment?" Eins reaches for his bag and before he could give him anything he saw Neon's body blend well into the dark

"Are you forgetting about the catastrophic beast? I did say I've used them for this super ultra-secret project of mine. I thought you guessed that since I never once held a weapon made of the catastrophic drops,"

"Is that available to me?" Even with all the relics at Henry's disposal, it was hard to hide his colossal build ranging 8 feet tall

"It is but the awakening is kinda random, sometimes it even requires a degree of level, so I can't tell. But based on my experience the perfect trigger is when your life depends on it, trust me, I learned that the hard way. I can tell you're going to ask about the Thornerus hound seeing as well your weapon is a national treasure," He points out the mediocre spear strapped on his back where he even doubts if it'll remain with a single swing

"Yes, im glad you understand, I need a proper weapon... most of the spears can't even handle my grip for fucks sake. They'll even break mid-flight, I need a better weapon, do you think you could hook me oooof," He catches a lance and accidentally drops to the ground as Henry's yet to adapt to the senses he gained through his transformation

"Skill issue much?"

"Shut it Eins! But still, isn't this a Lance? As much as I'm proficient im more of a spear thrower–" Suddenly Neon pierced his head with his pointer finger and the two were horrified and disturbed

"Memory transfer," It only took about a second or two but Henry's head finished regenerating and unknowingly grew a bone in his palm with the shape of his prize spear

"What the hell was that?"

"Eins do I have to explain everything? I just use a skill I got from the hivemind so he can forcefully awaken the thornerus hound. What I just did right now was make him experience my memory as he lived it himself which makes him unlock his skill,"

Eins couldn't fathom his explanation and so he just said. "I'm fine as long as he's still alive. Are we doing this or not? Before that how are you thinking of getting inside that large field full of guards? Based on their aura I can assume their levels are about 300 plus,"

Neon steps back and propose to Henry an idea befitting of their circumstances. "Old fart, can you demonstrate to us your signature spear throw? I'm not doubting your skills but haven't you retired for so long, your technique must have gotten rusty. No worries we're not gonna kick you out but still, it's been so long since we saw you in the field,"

"Step back kids. You might not be able to handle the turbulence. I haven't done this in ages so I might screw my form a little," With his advice the two move away from the range, and in their absence, his body unknowingly lower in size

'I did transfer him the Thornerus hound but I also added the Tyrannical juggernaut to better increase his handling. So you compress your excess muscles, what now? This whole time the idea of him having the juggernaut's ability has been living in my head rent-free. Now that he became one I wonder, just what kind of results will he bring,'

Henry wielded his spear and focuses his hand a transferred a potent secretion of mana til it forms a flicker and later became a spark. He sways his spear first and following was his body where he moves in a circular manner building force with every breath. The mana around him began to be sucked for he created a vortex of his doing and the spark became lightning itself

"Azure spear, 1st form Judgement,"

He dismissed the benefits of compression, and his muscle grew enough for him to throw but he never felt satisfied. The remainder of his mana surged throughout his veins and so his body grew exponentially with the power of the juggernaut. His spear soar through the skies so high that even the two were concerned that his spear would hit and shatter the protective case

"Please can't the two of you trust me? I know my strength, and im aware of the disastrous outcome, unlike you two I specialize in control. So you better not underestimate me-" His spear descended which brought forth a disastrous glimmer of light and seconds later it shows its nature by sending a horrific thundering roar

The walls surrounding little ol' Ragnir's villa came to be none existent along with the loss of dozens of signatures of mortal life. His smile immediately became a frown and sooner it became a dreadful lifeless scowl as they heard a faraway scream of agony. The scale of its destructive output was heard miles away and even set off countless vehicles beeping in sheer volume

"You alerted the cops! What part of dialing it down can't you understand? When we said give me a scare we didn't mean the whole town!!!" Eins screamed at the bottom of his lungs and reminded him this whole thing was confidential

"Let the cops come,"

"What???" Henry and Eins we're confused about when Neon initiated this whole thing and even encourage tattling on the cops

"Don't get me wrong I would love it if this was all stealthy but this is a goldmine of its own... we can pin the blame on those terrorists since they'll be going for Ragnir's head. Plus if they're held responsible the cops won't spare a second and patrol the city. Will be slowing them on their tracks, and buy us three a little more time to prepare for their end game,"

"Fine it's your call," Henry replied

Eins on the other hand grab his phone and altered his voice and report everything to their would-be ally the cops. "Hello, police! I'm here on the outskirts of sector V, the terrorist is out here in our neighborhood. Please come quickly, they're in possession of dangerous explosives,"

'Now this will be a fun evening,'