
[ Location: Soul City Lesser Region R, City Gates. ]

" Halt! " the guard says as two Souls came in.

" Stranger Souls, this is the Region R guard, identify yourself! " the guard says to the two Souls, coming out of nowhere.

" We're both from this Region, we're Spirit Hunters, we're good. " said the Spirit Hunter as his friend nodded.

Seeing the two Spirit Hunters' behavior, the Gate Guards check on them, seeing their clothes tethered and filled with Dust, making them more suspicious about them.

" Both of you, please follow us! " said the Gate Guards captain.

" We're going to have some check-up on your condition, please follow the procedures accordingly. " the Gate Guard Captain said as he orders the Guards to bring both Spirit Hunters to the Seclusion Room.

As the two Spirit Hunters are being escorted, one of them smiled at her a strange aura came out for a bit from his mouth.


( Meanwhile. )

" Okay, thank you... " Ellie says after receiving a call.

" Who's that, Ellie? " Raymond asks.

" Just the Gate Guards, telling me that they just contain a random Spirit Hunters they suspected. " Ellie tells Raymond.

" It's the usual thing you know, since the Spirit Hunters are known to be out-of-rules, the Guards must be more vigilant in checking them since many of them often bring trouble inside the Regions.

" Yeah, the shit things of being a Hunter, guess it will be always like that..., huh? "

" Either in the Living World and the Astral World... " Raymond then says as he suddenly remembers his living memory.

Seeing Raymond's response, Ellie begins to get it for she knows what his brother must be thinking about right now.

" You still remember? "

" Pardon? " Raymond asks her back.

" Your living memories, it's been ages ago before our Astral Forms entered the Astral World. "

" Yet you still remember? about it? " Ellie asks him again Raymond responds by seeing her face with his cold eye.

" The past is the past, Ellie... "

" Even when you die, the past will always bind us... "

" For that is what we were before we are now in the present. " Raymond adds more to his words.

" Nonsense, stop thinking about it! " Ellie angers him.

" You're just remembering your life's end moment, isn't it!? " Ellie asks Raymond hard.

" Of course, to us, the dead beings... "

"Aren't our last moments the first things we will remember after we entered the afterlife? " Raymond asks which made Medic Ellie triggered.

" Grkkhh..., whatever? " Ellie leaves Raymond for he is now with the record of Shiro's memory for he then looks at it.

" Shiro really had a rough life, didn't he? " Raymond says while seeing the record.

" If I'm in his position, I would definitely be a murderer and kill all of those assholes on sight. "

" Even if it means my execution. " Raymond says as he remembers some scenes of his last moments.

" Execution, huh? " Raymond says after saying it earlier which made him realize that there is a Memory Record with the title 'Execution' from Ellie's USB Drive he plugged in.

He opens it and when he sees it, he sees the whole scene where Shiro is brutally executed by the people back then, his neighbors, technically, using all of their might to destroy Shiro who seems to possess nothing in his life but the people look at him like a demon or some sort that needs to be incinerated.

" Grrhh... those clothes, Easterions? " Raymond says as he notices the people's clothes from the record.

" Geez, Easterions are all radicals sometimes, didn't they...? "

" Easily manipulated with mere myths and magics, even though some of them must've had greater than us who came from the west part of the New Earth after Ragnarok. "

" But still..., the people, urghh... " Raymond skips some parts of the Record, but suddenly.

" It's the end, huh... "

" Guess that's the end of it. " Raymond says to himself, he can't help but feel bad towards Shiro.

" Even after Ragnarok, the old ways of humanity still can't be erased, huh? " he says while smoking again.

" Ragnarok should've been the end of it, the end of the world's past evils. "

" But why? "

" Why even in... death...? " Raymon says while closing his eyes as then prepares to close the record but suddenly, his eyes widened, as he sees closely the end part of the record, the last, last scene of Shiro's life memories, the scene that shocked him.

" Wait a minute, aren't those...? " Raymond says as he sees the Astral Spirits, yes the Astral Spirits that Shiro faintly sees before his life ends*.

" Spirits!? " Raymond was shocked.

" Roaming around the Living World!? "

" Impossible! " Raymond decides to play the record again, focusing on the last scene in order to get a closer look at it.

" I need to trim this scene and copy it! "

" Give this to Ellie so we can see together! with more enhanced features. " Raymond says, leaving the room to look for Ellie.

" Captain Raymond! " Tracker 101 calls him as he brings him his meal, but the Captain just goes away in a hurry because he wants to look for Ellie ASAP.

" What's with Captain? did something just go wrong? " Tracker asks himself as he closes the door of the room Raymond left, closing it and leaving it empty while he takes his time to rest.

" Guess, I should be eating first, then. "

" Here I go! " Tracker says as he feasts all of the meals he brings, leaving the ones for the Captain afar so he won't eat those.

As the tracker eats, the scene changes to Shiro who is still on the Medic Table, unconscious, asleep in his slumber. While he sleeps, something came into his room, something that is definitely not Medic Ellie for the Medic Room is completely left empty, leaving Shiro alone.

" A Hollow..., Nice... " the mysterious thing goes closer, slowly approaching Shiro who was still lying on the bed.

As the thing, approached Shiro's hand the thing's hand was suddenly sliced, shocking it as suddenly Shiro comes up from his Slumber, stabbing the thing's chest with his .

" If you want to kill me, then please consider making yourself hidden from me. "

" You Djinn! " Shiro says as he stabs the Djinn who somehow entered the place.

< EXP Gathering Failed. >

< The Astral Core Update is still in Progress. >

" Thank the System who woke me, at least I can quickly react to its attack. " Shiro says while acquiring some items from it.

After acquiring it, Shiro gets a message from the System, the System notifies him about a new Quest.

"( This one's not alone. )" Shiro says after seeing the Quest.


( Meanwhile. )

" So, will you tell me what kind of Spirit you hunt, Mr. Rand...? " the Guard Captain asks Rand, one of the Spirit Hunters that returned.



* You can see this in Chapter 2, the Mysterious Astral Spirits

* The Spirit Hunters are from Chapter 27: Oasis