Who Is That Guy?

"Hurry back! I'm waiting here."

That's what Jayden said before Celine got out of his car about two minutes ago.

And now, Celine is in the elevator to the 14th floor, the floor where her apartment room unit is.

How did she get along with him?

The answer is simple.

After yesterday's conversation with Lucia, the director asked Celine and Jayden to gather somewhere to discuss the matter.

The afternoon conversation resulted in Jayden agreeing for Celine to stay at his house for a month.

And now, he gave her fifteen minutes to pack her things. In short, tonight also, Celine will move to Jayden's house.

After reaching the 14th floor, Celine rushed out of the elevator.

When she was about to push through her apartment door, a man suddenly stood behind her back mysteriously.

"Celine," called the man in a deep voice.

Celine's body freezes. Her heart is pounding with fear.

"Let's talk. There's a lot I want to talk to you about. And I hope you can give me that chance this time," he continued and moved closer to her.

When the man touched her shoulder, she quickly turned around and pushed the man's body until it hit the wall behind him.

After that, Celine screamed with red eyes, "GO AWAY FROM ME, YOU BASTARD!"

Celine's breath hitched as her eyes caught a look on the face of a man she had never wanted to see again in her entire life, while her hands were tightly clenched under there, trying not to hit the man.

"Didn't I warn you a long time ago not to see me again?! To not show your face in front of me again?! And now, what do you do? Come to ask for forgiveness? I'll never forgive you, bastard! You and your family are damned!"

Celine's voice bounced along the seemingly silent hallway of the apartment. It makes the roar even more intense. Her face turned red. The feelings in her chest were throbbing with each other—anger, fear, sadness, and revenge.

The man's hand was outstretched, trying to reach Celine's hand. However, Celine avoided him.

"Let me talk to you. Give me a chance to express how sorry I am for what happened in the past," the man begged.

"Never! I don't want to hear all your silly regrets! What's in it for me? Can it make things better?" she barked, full of emotion.

Celine's body trembled. A surge of emotions inside her began to seize control of her body.

A few seconds later, she ranted angrily, "I will never forgive you and your entire family! You're all murderers! YOU AND YOUR FAMILY ARE MURDERERS, RICHARD!"

The man named Richard continued forward, cutting the distance between him and Celine. He is now managed to corner Celine on the wall, ignoring her punches.

"Is nine years not enough for you to forgive me? Celine, I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!"

Celine rebelled. Her hands kept beating and pushing the man's body away from her.

"Let go of me! Get away from me!" Celine cried.

Instead of moving away, both of Richard's hands lodged in Celine's shoulders. Squeeze it hard. "Let me go into your apartment. Let's talk eye to eye. Just ten minutes. No, just five minutes. I promise!"

Celine shook her head noisily. She refused to listen to anything Richard said.



With one mighty kick, Richard's body fell to the floor.

It wasn't Celine. But... Jayden.

Richard has not had time to recover from his shock. Suddenly, he was surrounded by Jayden and received deadly blows in his face.

"Fuck! What did you do to a woman to make her cry like that, damn it?!" he beat Richard in the face.

On the other hand, Celine looked incredulously at the events unfolding before her eyes. Jayden's unexpected arrival entirely made her shocked.


Not standing still, Richard also beat Jayden's face to succeed in making his body bounce to the side.


Taking this opportunity, Richard immediately pressed Jayden's body to the floor, not allowing Jayden to retake control of the fight. And with that, Richard freely punched Jayden in the face.

Celine immediately panicked to see Jayden confined under Richard.

And spontaneously, Celine shouted, "Help! Help! SOMEBODY HELP US!"

After that, Celine separated Richard from Jayden as much as possible. However, her power is not enough. Richard brutally beat Jayden in the face.

Amid Celine's despair, suddenly, three men come and help Celine separate Jayden and Richard.

Richard's and Jayden's faces were both battered. And it turned out to be accurate; we cannot underestimate a battle between two men.

Celine takes Jayden away, while the three men take Richard.

"Thank you for helping me and taking this money. I can't imagine what would have happened if you guys didn't come to my aid," said Celine, handing some money to one of the three men who came.

"Celine," Richard called hoarsely.

On the other hand, Celine immediately helped Jayden. After that, she gave Richard a stern look. She forgot the fact that her cheeks were still wet with tears.

"I warned you not to see me again! If you still dare to meet me, don't blame me for taking such a decisive step!"

Richard rebelled, trying to escape the restraints of two men holding his right and left shoulders.

"Please, Celine! I want—"

"Take him away from here. And tell security downstairs not to let that bastard into this apartment again. Thank you very much."





After Richard disappeared down the hall with the three men carrying him, Celine turned her attention to Jayden. "Come on in. Let me treat your wound first."


Celine treated the wounds on Jayden's handsome face using Mercurochrome and alcohol painstakingly. Once in a while, Jayden occasionally grimaced with pain. Therefore, Celine tried to soften the cotton swabs in her hands.

"Thank you for helping me. But it would be best if you hadn't come like that," murmured Celine after a long time. She still felt awkward and guilty after seeing the bruises on Jayden's face.

"Do you know that guy?" he asked seriously.

"It's finished," Celine retorted as she sorted out the medicine box in her lap. Deliberately avoided and did not respond to his question.

When Celine was about to leave without answering his previous question, he rebuked her. "You haven't answered my question, Celine. Do you know that guy? Is he your stalker?"

Celine walked away from there. She was still in shock over what had happened earlier. And for now, she doesn't want to get into that topic. After all, this is a sensitive matter for her.

"You take it easy. I know the three men who helped me before. So, you don't have to worry that this incident will spread out. They won't open their mouths to anyone, even journalists," Celine mumbled.

Right after putting the medicine box in the drawer, ignoring the piercing gaze given by Jayden, she walked past front of him toward her room.

"If you don't mind, give me ten minutes to pack all my things into the suitcase. I promise it won't take long."

Jayden stood up. He had not yet had time to open his mouth when Celine had already entered her room and locked the door.

He sighed and sat back on the sofa with a complicated mind. And vaguely, he heard sobs coming from Celine's room.

"Who exactly is that guy? What does that guy have to do with her?" he asked in bewilderment.