First Day Of Filming

"Do you remember? In the middle of autumn eight years ago, we met on this bridge by accident. I'm with my friend, and you're with your friend. If my friend hadn't pushed me so hard that my body hit you and your camera fell into the lake, maybe until now, we are still strangers who don't know each other's existence," Sean whispered, hugging Amber's body from behind.

The atmosphere is peaceful, calm, quiet, and also serene to witness millions of love owned by Sean to the figure of his lover. 

The lake has bluish-green water, clear water, and without algae. Tens to hundreds of dry leaves float in the water, dragged here and there resignedly by the wind that caresses them.

The bridge that they stepped on looked quite dull and unkempt. The weathered and split wood indicates that this place has been abandoned for years.