The Most Ungrateful Woman

Walking towards the bright road is increasingly felt by Jayden after he and Niel make a mutual agreement to resolve the conflict that occurred. 

The depression he experienced slowly began to disappear when he set foot on Grilef's land after the plane landed perfectly at the airport. 

Jayden spent the first day meeting with Niel's extended family and chatting without involving a battle of strength or explosive emotions like before. 

It was good news for Jayden's side after hearing that Niel agreed to the offer he gave on several terms beyond.

Jayden has sacrificed many things, such as energy, time, and wealth, to dedication to make the problem end soon and not become a grudge for all parties concerned. 

Although Niel has decided to make peace, some members of his extended family disagree. They assume that Niel has been controlled and manipulated during his time in Arc City.