The Worst Scheme Do Happen

The gloomy day at the end of the cold season became a creepy monster that endlessly made Aaron feel chaotic, looking for the existence of someone he did not know existed until this moment. 

Aaron has deployed several men to search for Richard's whereabouts, ordering them to trace the entire ins and outs of the Yobi District, which is an excellent distance from Grilef.

Since Richard left their home, he has not returned and cannot be contacted. 

Aaron had the idea to track Richard's whereabouts through his cell phone. However, the phone was found on the edge of a ravine in Oshde District, assuming that Richard threw the phone away while he was on his way to Yobi District. 

And now, Aaron is mobilizing more and more people to find his brother since he heard the terrible news that happened to Hiller and his flock.