Chronological Truth

"I'll go with you."


"No one is waiting for my return. I'll go with you!"

It was a brief chat between Celine and Jayden once they got to Grilef. 

Celine initially rejected the idea because she didn't want to involve Jayden. Moreover, this concerns Hiller, who is in a coma. 

However, after a brief argument, Celine agreed and followed Jayden into his driver's car, who had been waiting outside the airport to go straight to the hospital.

As someone informed her the other day, Hiller was admitted to a well-known hospital under the supervision of the city police. He gets the best treatment, which is charged to the police authorities. 

Until now, Hiller is still unconscious, and no one knows when the man can pass his critical period. His condition is on the verge of life and death; everything depends only on his subconscious desire to continue to fight or give up.