Excitement and Worries

If only with reckless capital, Finn could go alone to Oshde like the idea he had conveyed to George and the others two days ago. Moreover, today he got the news that George will go to the Oshde District later in the day. 

Even though the roads were covered by quite heavy snow, it was not difficult for him to drive to that place. If only his determination had been more robust than the stalled rationality in his head, he would have left without a second thought. 

However, after considering many things as well as aspects and calculating his gains and losses, he no longer thought that going to the Oshde district was what he should do. 

Moreover, George had explained at the beginning that the police would handle everything without help from outside parties. So, the moment that rational thought took possession of his head, at that very moment, Finn immediately gave up all the ideas he had.