Time To Say Goodbye

Taking a deep breath and getting stuck in a life of anxiety sets a shackle for everyone to move forward. 

There is no bright light that they see at the end of the road as they walk in the endless darkness, presenting many mysteries and uncertainties that lie ahead. 

The peace of the night, the orange tinge in the sky when the sun sets, or even doing popular things will not give peace of life if the heart is overwhelmed by anxiety. 

Everything will look very scary. The uncomfortable hiss of the heart describes many fears that will not necessarily come but still be thought of. 

This was felt by Aaron, who faced everything alone without anyone standing next to him. Morning, noon, until night becomes a scary time for him, a time that can make him feel crazy to fight his evil thoughts. 

This restlessness persisted, cementing its roots without leaving or allowing him to gain a slight sense of calm from every breath he took.