Chapter 8: Freeing the spirit



"You said that we wouldn't get caught right?"

"Yes I did"

"Then why is the Goddess of Love and the God of Thunder following us!"

Lucias asked while looking at the woman with violet hair and eyes wearing black armor that barely hid her chest together with a mascular man with golden hair, looking around inside the tree of life like they were searching for


"You have misunderstood, Lucias-san, they aren't following us but they are

trying to find me, it seems like my presence alarmed them

"So they haven't seen us"

"Yes that's correct"

"Can't we shake them off?"

"Sadly that is a bit hard since my ability is somewhat sealed while I'm inside the Tree of Life, I can only use a portion of my original strength while inside here

"Then, climb on my back

Lucias kneeled on the ground on one knee with his back facing Kurumi.

Kurumi didn't hesitate to climb on her back, pressing her soft breast on her back.

I wonder why aren't you flustered?"

"I'm already used to it"

Lucias casually answered with a deadpan expression before going into

stealth and using blink away from the two gods.

"Ars it seems like your popular with the ladies, Lucias-san

"Not really, I just have a lot of female friends

"Friends with benefits, is it?"

"No... Just normal friend"

"is that so? Coming from you, it seems like I have a hard time believing it

Kurumi teased him as they he ran around the Tree of Life carrying her on his

back, trying to find the heart of the tree where the other spirits were trapped

"Wait... Kurumi thought you knew where the heart

"I did but you never asked and just ran around, not that mind since I like the warmth coming from your back"

"Please be more serious about this"

Lucas sighed before following the directions given by Kurumi towards the

heart of the tree.

After a few minutes of running at full speed they arrived at a lake of clear blue

water with a giant light blue crystal hanging above it. Below the giant crystal

is a red gem floating above the lake.

Lucias immediately used his appraisal on the red gem as he placed kurumi

down beside the lake.

[Crystal of Undying Will]

Grade: God

A crystal created by the last will of the Primordial being of Order to seal and protect the last surviving spirits. The seal can only be opened with the use of

the Contract Dagger that acts like a key for the crystal.

Weakens the power of all beings sealed using the crystal. Binds all the souls of the spirits along with their inverse selves to the crystal. Grants the being who unsealed the spirits their loyalty and affection

Durability: None

"Kurumi, it's a good thing you didn't destroyed the crystal. If you did you and along with the other spirits could have died"

"W what do you mean?"

"Your souls are binded inside the crystals, so forcefully destroying it would have destroyed your souls along with the crystal "Then how do we unseal the others?"

"There is a way, remember the dagger that stabbed you with?"

"Yes, what of it?"

"That's the key used to open the crystal

"W-what?! Then why did you use it on me!"

"If i hadn't, you wouldn't have listened to me and kept on attacking me, but

don't worry have a way to obtain another one"

Lucias assured her as he opened the shop and searched for the contract Dagger, luckily the item was available in the shop, the only problem is

"This is price is just daylight robbery"

Lucias complained while looking at the panel in front of her

Contract Dagger (Cost: 2,000 shop points)

"...I'll buy two just in case"

He sighed in defeat as he saw his shop points plummets down to 1,000

"I already got it Kurumi, then how do we get acrossed this"

"it is possible for me to just walk above the water to get their, but it will be

hard to bring you along with me"


"There is a giant serpent that lives in the lake, that serves to protect the heart of the tree. can't fight him while carrying you, Lucias-san"

"You can't beat it?"

"Yes, my powers are limited inside the tree of life, and eveb if we do kill it, it

will greatly affect the tree"

"...Where are the other spirits by the way?"

"Look above you"

Lucias lift his head to look above him, and was shocked that he saw 10 capes are floating above us made from translucent blue crystals.

One of the spirits with short white hair wearing a white dress shouted at Kurumi. The others who were sitting inside their cages followed her line of

sight and found kurumi together with a golden haired child who was observing them with his clear golden eyes.

"Question: have you found a way to free us?"

A girls with orange hair that was caged inside together with another girl with the exact same appearance as her asked,

"Yes, the boy beside me has found a way to free us

"Really? Finally can get out of this cramped caged!"

A loll with green hair shouted excitedly while looking at Lucias with bright "Art thee sure yond a issue can help us?"

(Note: I have no experience in writing in archaic style of dialogue, but I'll

try my best lol, also I found very little info about her dialogues so I based it on my level of intellect (which don't have) of using archaic style of

speaking using plain English with a mix of a few archaic words)

A stunningly beautiful woman with long golden hair asked her

"Of course, I can guarantee that this child can help us, Hoshimiya-san"

"Why is she speaking like that?"

"I don't know as well, Lucias"

Kurumi honestly answered Lucias who was having a hard time

understanding what she just said.

"Now then, how do we do this?"

Lucias finally became serious while looking at the bright red gem floating

above the river

"I guess I'll have to buy water magic skill in this shop, using fire magic here

is far too dangerous and disadvantageous" Lucias muttered as he opened the shop and bought both water magic and ice

magic while immediately maxing the two skills to their last evolution. Primordial Oceanic Magic ( maxed)-Grants the user the ability to control

and rule over all types of liquid that exists. Grants immunity to water based attacks!

(Primordial Ice Magic (I maxed)-Grants the user the ability to control all

types of ice that exists, Grants immunity to ice based attacks)

[Primordial Ice Magic and Primordial Flame Magic have undergone a


[Skill: Thermal Magic acquired)

(Thermal Magic (v maxed) -Grants the user absolute rule over temperature and grants control to all frames and ice that exists. Grants immunity to ice,

flame, or any thermal based attacks

"Damn, how lucky"

Lucias muttered while reading the information of his new skills before

proceeding to walk towards the lake without stopping

"Lucias, it's dangerous to just"

Kurumi tried to ware him but was too late as the giant serpent that guards

the heart rose up from the lake. "This is as far as you can go, human"

The giants serpent threateningly said towards Lucias who halted his steps to

look at the giant serpent.

"Kurumi, distract him"

"Of course"

Kurumi replied as she summoned a giant old fashioned clock behind her along with the 2 flintlock that she used during her fight with Lucias and the

two girls.

"Zafkiel, Seventh Bullet: Zayin

She pointed the flintlock on the 7 o clock position on the clock behind her before firing at the giant serpent.

The serpent who saw the attack tried to dodge but stopped in his track as felt extreme cold cover the lower part of his body.

"[Sub Zero]"

Lucias muttered while his arm was submerged in the lake freezing it to the lowest temperature he could get causing the serpent to freeze on his spot

The bullet then hit the serpent's giant body causing the time around him to freeze as Lucias froze the water vapor present in the air as he slid past the

serpent, arriving in front of the rest gem.

The serpent broke free from Kurumi's attack as he hurriedly rushed towards Lucias breaking the ice that entrapped him.

"[Eternal Ice Prison]"

Lucias immediately casted on the serpent as he got close causing purple ice

to engulf the serpent freezing him in place


"I'll free you when I'm done

Lucias assured her while looking at the giant block of ice just above him before he took out the Contract Dagger inside his inventory and placed it

Inside the hole that he found on the floating crystal

(Hidden Quest completed)

[All spirits binded by the crystal will now receive one sided loyalty and admiration towards the player]

Map of the seal on the ancient demons acquired

As soon as he turned the dagger like a key, the crystal disappeared along with the dagger as they turned into tiny particles of light before entering his body, giving him all information about the spirits sealed with the crystal

The cages that kept the spirits in place was shattered into pieces causing them to fall down on the ground as the seal on their powers slowly

disappeared. The place started to shine brightly as soon as the crystal disappeared. The mana around the heart of the tree became more dense and rich than before

as the branches inside started to bloom creating a beautiful scenery to


"Wow" A girt with orange hair muttered in awe while admiring the scenery inside the tree of life

You have removed the crystal that fed on the tree's mana)

[The tree of life now views you favourably]

[Time: Loved by nature acquired]

(Blessing from the Tree of Life acquired)

[Blessing from the Tree of Life-Grants the user the skill: Immortality that dispels the natural aging function of the body. Luck, Charm and Intelligence

status will increase by 100% Loved by nature a title given to those who is loved by Tree of Life and Gaia

herself. Grants increased charm towards all insects, animals, and plants that resides in nature

After checking his new title and skills Lucias walked back towards the 11 spirits who had various expression on their faces as they gazed towards Lucias.

"Oh I forgot"

Lucias faced the frozen serpent and undid his ice Prison, freeing him as he gazed at Lucias before diving deep down the lake.

"Kurumi, let's go

Lucias said before leaving the spirits behind as Kurumi followed him with a complicated expression on her face.

"Wait!" The white haired spirit shouted stopping both of them in their tracks as Lucias locked her sights at the white haired spirit.

"What is it?"

"What about us?"

"What do you mean?"

"We have been sealed for centuries and everything has changed, we have no place to go so please take us in"

I can, but if any of you doesn't want to come with me, then you can go and do whatever you want!

Lucias said as he watched the spirits but to his surprise all of them stayed behind

"Are you sure about joining me, joining me comes with certain

responsibilities, based on your personalities doubt that you'll agree "Regardless of those responsibilities will be willing to join you" The white haired woman answered without hesitation, looking at him

straight in the eyes

"it's not as easy as you think it is, Origami-san"

"What do you mean?" (Tobiichi)

"My circumstances are quite complicated since have to annihilate and kill a

lot of people that may become a threat towards everyone loved. will have

thousands of enemies in the future and will hunt down anyone that is

associated with me, are you still willing to join me, Origami-san" "I don't mind, out of all of us am the most familiar in the field of battle"

Lucias smiled from her resolution, even though he wanted to bring them all back with him, he couldn't since they will be forced to get involved with his circumstances, so if they are not ready to face those circumstances with him, even if their loyalty to him is already maxed up, he still wanted to hear their opinions

"I don't mind joining as well?

A girl with short, ash gray hair and icy blue eyes wearing a nun outfit made from ink-colored semi-transparent fabric that completely displays her figure

said while walking towards Lucias

"... Are you sure about that? might ask you for very sensitive and dangerous

information, are you sure you are willing give those to me?" "I am sure, have already used my angel to know about you and the nature of

the world now. You are the only one can trust with my ability" "Miku hast nay problem with joining and is willing to lend mine own

strength to thee

"Are yo" "Muku is sure of her decision and is willing to stay by thy side coequal if it be

true I hast to carry some of thy responsibilities


"She said she is sure of her decision and is willing to carry some of your

responsibilities (Kurumi)

"Thank you, Hoshimiya-san"

"Reply: Yuzuru doesn't mind joining as well"

"If Yuzuru is going I'll be going as well, I'll do my best to help you" (Kaguya)

"I'll do my best... to change... I want to stay with" (Yoshino)

"We want to join as well, Lucias-kun" (Yoshinon)

"It's not like have other places too go to, so guess it join you as well


"Darling I'll do anything you want me to do" (Miku)

"Darling? I thought you hated males" "It's a different case for you" (Mika)

"I want to join too" (Natsumi "If everyone is going, I'll go as well (Tohka)

"Are you girls really sure about this?"

"Definitely sure" (all)

"Fine but don't regret this later on, but if you want to you can leave anytime you want"

Lucias reminded as Kurumi teleported them back to the mansion using her shadows.

-With Lily-(back to when they left the mansion)

"Nee Lily, how many children's were their inside the faction nya?"

"Not many, only 20 children are there"

"it will be more lively at the mansion nya!"

"it will" (Yami)

Yami smiled as she thought about how their daily lives would be if the

children were part of it.

"We're here" (Lily)

As soon as Lily said this Yami immediately ran out of the portal to search for the children but what greeted her was... pure silence.

Unlike what they encountered yesterday, the noisy laugh of the children echoing through the abandoned dorm as they played till their hearts content

was now gone.


Yami muttered as she used her detection to find any figure inside the

mansion but only found 2

figures. Hugging each other on the deepest part of the dorm

"Something's strange nya"

"You smelled that as well Kuroka?" (Lily)

"What do you mean?"

Yami asked as fear gripped her heart, sweat started to run down her forehead as she suddenly felt weak. She also smelled the faint scent of blood as they

went closer to the mansion "Yami, We will handle this, you need to go back to the mansion right now!


"Y-yeah, we will handle this nya"


"W-what are you two hiding

"W-why aren't you saying anything?" "...yami, stay calm for what you're about to see"

"L-Lily please don't scare me like this?

Yami asked with a trembling voice unlike her usual monotone voice as she looked at the Lilly who had a serious expression on her face

They slowly walked towards the dormitory, and the closer they got the

stronger the scent of blood became until they were now at the entrance of

the dorm.

Yami felt her legs lose their strength as they slowly opened the door. The stench escape through the open crack of the door assaulting their nose as both Kuroka and Lily unconsciously covered their nose with their hand while Yami wasn't able to feel, smell or hear anything from what she saw inside.

Her eyes became empty shells as she fell down on her knees, holding her head with her arms before tears fell down on the wooden floor

"T-this can't be true, please this can't be true"

Yami muttered as she felt her heart clench while repeatedly telling herself that all of what she saw was nothing but a dream.

"Yami Lily worriedly called out to the crying girl on the ground, not knowing what to do to calm her down. "This isn't true, Lily please tell me this isn't true"

Yami desperately asked Lily while tightly holding her by the wrist as tears

covered her soft cheeks.

"I'm sorry Yami but..."

Lily removed her gaze from Yami while looking at the hall of the dorm filled with the bodies of the lively children they met yesterday. Their body was cut

into pieces and thrown everywhere inside the dorm. Blood covered the

wooden walls as a horrible stench covered the entire dorm

The worst part of it all is the faces of the children. Their head was decapitated from their body and was displayed at the long table found inside the large hall. Each and every head had nothing... But absolute fear and terror from their eyes. The head of the boys had year marks on their cheeks, while the giris something was inside of their mouth and something was splattered on their faces...It smelled similar to that of the smell of squid

Their headless body was covered in scratches as their clothes were filled with holes, like they were ripped off of their body, blood covered the section between their legs as something. The same thing that they found on their faces was dripping down between their thighs.

Lily was very familiar with this stench as she saw how the female humans that her fellow vampires from before did to them before they killed them.

"... they are all dead"